Imagine #9: Another Life

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She sat alone in the library, the kids where already gone to other places for their free period. But however she always stayed in the library because it was her comfort zone. "Why don't you ever go to any other place besides this one?" A student asked, he sat beside her as she looked up at him. "It's relaxing, aren't you Damon, Stefan's brother?" She said, she knew him but he wasn't always at school, he was one of those bad boys who either skipped school or he ran out of school. Even with the school still wondering how he can literally get out of school faster than anyone in this school, but Damon already has that answer to everyone's question but he never told anyone at the school but his brother, Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, Matt, and others that are apart of the little Mystic Falls gang expect that the she never know anything, it was all kept a secret from her so she could be protected. Damon always seemed to have eyes for her but he never once said it out loud even if everyone tired their best to push him to say it. He still kept quite but what Damon didn't know she starting to feel the same way. "Yes, and you are Y/n" Damon said, he smiled at her as she laughed, he thought it was a beautiful laugh. "Yeah, I come here because it helps me relax" Y/n said, she closed her book as the bell rang. "Well I need to get to class, I don't expect you to go to class since your the school bad boy" Y/n said, Damon nodded as he laughed, she walked out of the library and headed to class. She did have her wonders about the boy, but she never wanted to ask.

A few days later. Y/n was back at the library and she didn't expect Damon Salvatore to be back at the library. But he was at the library. He sat besides her as she read her book. "What do you want Damon?" Y/n said, she closed her book and turned to him. "Nothing, just wanted to check in on you" Damon said, he truly just wanted to get close with her but he never wanted to get to close. Everything was crazy in Damon's world and he didn't want Y/n getting in the middle of mess. "Since when have you started worrying about someone that's a stranger, who's not you're friend or you're brother?" She asked, Damon laughed but he wasn't really worrying well, he started worrying when he bumped into someone else, someone that knew about Y/n's family. She was one of the most protected families. She was protected by hunters and didn't even know so he thought. "I don't know. You just caught my attention" Damon said, she grabbed his hand and looked him in the eyes. "It's flattering but I don't like bad boys" She said, she twisted his hand and broke it, he did scream in pain, than it healed. Y/n walked out of the library and left a speechless Damon Salvatore. "You know, I could compel you to forget everything you saw back there" Damon said, appearing behind her. "I'm on vervain" She said, Damon appeared in front of her ready to knock her out so he could let the vervain vanish from her system. "If you make a move I will stake you in a heart" Y/n said, she got the stake out of her back pocket. Damon knew he could grab it out of her hand, he was confused of how she knew but at the same time her family was full of hunters and protected by them too. "How do you know all of this?" Damon said, he didn't want to go after her just yet, he wanted to make the fun last but he was also cirrus. "You think that with my family protected by hunters, and her family literally full of hunters wouldn't know about the famous Salvatore brothers. I am a hunter, I started training not so long ago but I have been pretty damn good at my training" She said, she smirked at Damon, yet she felt feelings about the boy that she shouldn't feel. She knew it was wrong so she kept it a secret. She knew that if she feel in love with a vampire things would not go well with her family. "Well you're a teenager usually teenagers aren't taught until their older" Damon said, he was about to make the move and when he did she stuck him with vervain. He feel to the floor as tiredness took over him.

She headed home with Damon and dropped him on the living room floor. Her parents walked into the room with surprised looks on their faces. "Well, he wanted to kidnap me. So here we are now" She said, her parents smiled at their daughter who was just now becoming a hunter. She was a natural, but she kept away how she felt about the vampire who was currently laying on her living room floor. "Well then we have some work to do. Go back to school and act normal so his brother doesn't suspect something" Her mother said, Y/n nodded, and left back to school. She knew living two lives where going to be hard, but she knew that it'd get easier in the process. "Hey Y/n, do you know where Damon's at?" Caroline Forbes, She looked up at the girl. "Why would I know where he is?" She asked, she didn't like Caroline. She never did, she didn't like none of the mystic falls gang. No one knew about her, it was always kept secret. It hadn't been a couple of days or weeks ago that she was beginning to start training. She started training months ago, ever day she got better and better but it never seemed to bother her that Damon Salvatore started to talk to her, but then when he started to talk to her more it made her heart jump. She knew that she couldn't do that to her family so she tired to do the right thing. "Sorry, but last time we heard he was going to see you in the library" Caroline said, she looked at her. "Yeah he did, then he left" She said, Caroline nodded and left.

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