Chapter 7 - Saving Charlotte Part 2

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"Hello Captain Man and Kid Danger," Drex smiled maliciously. "Or, should I say, Ray Manchester and Henry Hart?"

Ray scoffed and deepened his voice dramatically. "Who is this Ray you speak of? I don't know any Ray, well, except maybe one that's incredibly handsome."

"Dude!" Henry whacked his arm.

Drex rolled his eyes at the two. "Give it up. I know your secret identities, and the identities of those you work with."

"What do you want?" Henry demanded.

"Well, one," Drex started. "For Captain Man to stop looking at himself."

Henry averted his eyes from the screen to his partner in crime. Ray was making faces to the tiny version of himself from his pocket mirror. Feeling annoyed, Henry snatched the mirror from his hands and threw it across the room, eliciting a childish "awww," from his boss and a pout.

"Unbelievable," Henry muttered, shaking his head and turning back to the screen. "Now, you were saying?"

"I want revenge," Drex declared. "Revenge on you for embarrassing me on the internet and locking me in that stupid containment unit!"

"Pssshhh, dude, are you still on about that?" Henry wondered. "C'mon, that was like a year ago. Was it a year ago?" he asked Ray.

"Nah, it was more like 2 years ago."

"Or, maybe a year and a half,"


"Shut up! Both of you!" Drex snapped, irritated by their carefree attitudes. "I want you guys to suffer! I'm sure you already noticed the note I left."

Henry's features hardened and his stance visibly tensed. "Where is she?"

"Oh, you want to say 'hello'?" He taunted.

The monitors went from Drex's face to another being that was on the ground, unconscious. Henry's heart tightened at the sight of familiar curls and his hands clenched into fists. He took in a sharp breath trying to compose himself. But seeing his best friend's body unmoving nearly had him lose his head. "What have you done to her?" He inquired, voice rough.

"Nothing...yet," Drex grinned. "She's just... exhausted from her trip here."

"And where is 'here' exactly?" Ray asked.

"That's for me to know, and for you to dot dot dot," Drex cackled. "But, how can you do that without your precious tech? Oh, and before you think about getting Schowz, forget it, he's a little... dozed off."

"Then... we'll get Jasper!" Henry said.

Drex raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

"He's right, Kid," Ray nudged his stomach. "He's as useless as your hair products."


"Oh! And before I forget, you better hurry," Drex gave a mirthless smile. "She may not have long."

"You listen to me, Drex," Ray's voice indicated the once-in-a-lifetime seriousness that Henry forgot he possessed. He pointed at the screen and said, "You leave Charlotte out of this. This is between you and me."


"Quiet, Kid!"

"Hmm, can't do that, Ray," Drex shook his head and frowned mockingly. "You see, I've learned that when you want someone to suffer, you don't attack them head-on. You go for their weak spot. And, for superheroes, it's always their loved ones."

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