Chapter 3 - I want to take care of you

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Summary: It's Charlotte's time of month. She and Henry have been dating for 12 weeks. Henry cancelled on Ray and Jasper after receiving a call from her. A one-shot that revolves around Henry being the perfect boyfriend for Charlotte.

"Alright, alright," Henry laughed, setting up the last snacks on the table before looking at the guys. "Let's get this boys' night started!"

"Yeah!" Jasper pumped. "This is going to be the best boys' night in the history of boys' night."

"Would've been better if we actually went to a real club with real drinks, with real ladies and with real moms," Ray's bottom lip was pushed forward as he mumbled.

"Dude," Henry made a face at the mention of moms.

"Oh c'mon. How can we make this the best boy's night in history if we can't go out?" Ray gave his sidekick a pleading look. "You're depriving me of fun! You can't expect me to have fun in the ManCave with a bunch of teens."

"You work with teens," Jasper added absentmindedly, earning him a glare.

"We promised Charlotte nothing extreme," Henry reminded him.

"Ughhhhh!" Ray groaned loudly. "Ever since you started dating her all you say is 'Charlotte this', 'Charlotte that', 'Charlotte said no', 'Charlotte said we can't do this', 'I'm with Charlotte on this one',"

"Okay, first of all," Henry butted in with a hand out. "I don't sound like that. Second, that's not true, right Jasp?"

" are pretty whipped there, buddy," he replied.

"Wha- no I'm not whipped!"

"Uh-Yeah you are," Ray nodded. "And it's because of Charlotte that we're having our boy's night in the ManCave!"

"Well, I'd like to see you stand up to her."

Ray's face visibly paled. He cleared his throat, fixing up his already-fixed shirt and walking backwards to the monitors. "I would...but-uh... I've know ... busy."

"Oh yeah, with what?" Henry crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow.

"With... uh..." he laughed nervously and started fiddling with the buttons. "Ya know... fighting crime!" Ray mentally praised himself for the lie.

"There hasn't been any crime in a week," Jasper said.

"Yes, there has."

"Uh-huh, name one," Henry questioned.

"Pfftt, remember that stupid kid that stole books from the library?"

"That was me!" Jasper exclaimed with his arms out, feeling insulted. "And, I didn't steal them, I just forgot to borrow them."

Ray snapped his fingers and pointed at him while looking at Henry. "See? Still a crime."

Henry shook his head. "Since you're not busy now, why don't you call Charlotte and ask her if we can go to a club?" The blonde made his way to the panels and handed the man his phone.

"I don't need to ask. She's not the boss of me," Ray scoffed.



"Gimme that," he grumbled at the responses. Snatching the phone, he tapped on it a few times before placing it on his ear. "Charlotte," he spoke confidently, moving to stand in the middle of the cave. "The boys and I are going to a club for guys' night because I don't need to ask for permission from you. That's right, you're not the- ooohhh."

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