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Later that day, Y/n was asleep on the couch when the members started walking in. Dahyun jumped on top of her, which scared Y/n really badly.

Y/n: "Dahyun! My heart can't take that!"

Dahyun got up, "Sorry"

Y/n opened her arms, which Dahyun dove into. "So how is school going? You're skipping class?"

Y/n moved, and both of them were sitting next to each other with Mina, Sana, and Jeongyeon listening to the conversation too. Everyone else was in the kitchen.

Y/n: "I don't want to be there anymore. I don't even know what I was to do. Like after I graduate, what will I do. I have no plans for the future"

Dahyun: "Drop"

Y/n: "Yeah then I'll have to move back home"

Mina: "No you don't. Become a manager, you'll be able to stay here with us"

Y/n shook her head, "I'm probably just unmotivated at the time, I can't be happy there the entire time. I honestly just need to finish this semester and I can take all my classes online."

Mina put her hand in Y/n's, "If you want to only"

Y/n nodded, "I'm sure, I'll be back. I have to use the restroom"

Y/n left the room, Dahyun noticing Mina's eyes following her. It was so obvious, "No fucking way"

Sana: "What?"

Jeong: "Did something happen?"

Dahyun: "Mina...you have a crush on Y/n"

Mina looked over, "No I don't"

Dahyun: "Yeah and you constantly staring at her."

Mina: "No..I don't"

Dahyun: "Fine, you don't"

Y/n came back to the room, "Oh, some guy asked me out today"

Mina looked over so quickly, "Did you say yes?"

Chaeyoung walked in, "Say yes to what?"

Mina: "She got asked out by some guy"

Chae: "Did you laugh"

Jeong: "Why would she laugh?"

Y/n: "I don't like guys. I'm into girls. But no Chae I didn't"

Chae: "Should've"

Mina sighed of relief, "You're gay? Okay..."

Y/n nodded, "Yeah. I hope you're okay with that. I thought you would be, Nayeon and Jeongyeon are dating, and so are Chaeyoung and Tzuyu"

Mina: "I am, I'm okay with it.

Y/n: "Yeah I have a crush on someone already. But I can't tell them because I don't know how long I'll live"

Dahyun: "Is she gay or at least Bi?"

Y/n shrugged, "I don't know."

Dahyun: "That's a little harder if you don't know, and you can't just straight up ask"

Y/n nodded, "What about you guys? Straight?"

Mina: "Nope"

Y/n nodded, and listened to everyone else that was there. Interesting conversation, but she couldn't bring anything else up, so they changed the topic.

Jeong: "So you want to get introduced to Once"

Y/n sighed, "I'll do it, because it could be bad, I could be seen as a sasaeng, but if I do it and I decide to go back to class I don't want to be recognized. I am Kim Y/n, not Kim Dahyun's little sister"

Dahyun: "But you are my little sister"

Y/n nodded, "And I love that I am, but that's not how I want to be known. We are our own people, and should be known for who we are, not by who we're related to"

Dahyun nodded, "I get that. You can do what you want to do"

Y/n looked at them, "I'll introduce myself, but if people start to bother me and it gets too out of hand, I am throwing hands at people"

Sana: "No. No fighting, we don't want to be picking you up from jail."

Y/n shrugged, "I'm already dying. I want to live my own life, not be dragged and bothered into a new one. I like to be left alone, and I don't want people to come up to me being like how is it being her sister. How is it living with them? Can you get their autograph for me? I don't want to hear all that."

Dahyun nodded, "That's true it would most likely happen. I support what you want to do, but we are gonna have to eventually because we don't want you to have the stress of managers and security, so you would have to be with us"

Y/n nodded, "I'll do it. Whatever happens, happens. I'll be nice and tell people i won't answer, but don't be surprised if you get a call from the jail."

Jeong: "Fine tomorrow, we can go live and we'll explain why you're with us and who you are"

They talked more for that day. That night was fine, the next morning, Y/n woke up to the needle in her side, "Why?"

Jihyo: "We tried waking you up, and you didn't. So I just gave you the injection since you won't fight us"

When Y/n saw Jihyo walk away, she got up and got dressed and ready for the day. She got dressed like she would on any other day, but this time, she put on her leather jacket with sunglasses.

Dahyun: "Is this your way of saying don't fuck with me"

Y/n nodded, "My facial features don't look intimidating enough, so hopefully this kind of works, but people will find out later"

Nayeon: "Find what out later"

Momo: "Intimidating who?"

Y/n: "If people start to come up to me only because of how I know you and who I'm related to. It will get on my nerves, I'll be respectful at first, but if they don't respect me, I'll knock them out"

Nayeon: "You? Fight? You look like a baby"

Dahyun: "Don't doubt her"

Chae: "Yeah. I've seen her punch someone in the stomach."

Tzuyu: "I was the one she punched in the stomach"

Dahyun: "See as the older sister, I apparently was supposed to be the tough one messing with the little one. But she ended up being the tough one. The worse one was when she tackled me and we fell down the stairs"

Y/n: "I'm my defense. You made us fall down the stairs, but I held your body when we fell and broke my arm"

Dahyun shrugged, "That is also true. And I did make you mad. I broke your game system"

Y/n: "And I broke my arm"

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