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Y/n went to the doctors, praying for no bad news. She's been living a good life. This appointment can change everything, would she lie again, or would she be truthful.

Doc: "Y/n"

Y/n followed him to the back and she sat down and they caught up a little bit, he looked down at his clipboard and sighed, "Okay, so-"

Y/n: "I'm dying again?"

Doc: "No, how was these 5 months? Injections everyday? All done?"

Y/n: "Yup, I've been tackled to the floor, pinned down, sat on, laid on top of, hit a few times, some on accident, some because I hit someone first. So yeah it went well"

Doc: "Great news, you finished with that injection"

Y/n: "Yea- Wait, that one? There's more"

Doc: "Oh yeah...it's amazing. So I was catching up more on this case you have, and you need an injection everyday for the rest...of your life"

Y/n got up and walked out the door, before walking back in, "There's probably important stuff I need to know actually"

Doc: "Yeah, thanks for returning. So this one, it doesn't burn...as much. You don't have to lay down for 5 minutes after. You take it and you're good for the day, this is generally taken in the mornings. So try not to fight the girls too much everyday..."

Y/n: "Am I dying?"

Doc: "No, Oh and this one isn't taken in your side"

Y/n: "Where is it taken?"

Doc: "Guess"

Y/n looked up shocked, but felt relief when the Doctor was trying to contain his laugh. She nodded, "You're funny...I seriously thought you were about to make me get a shot in my ass. Your funny"

The Doctor was laughing, "You should've seen your face, okay but for this one, you can get it on either or your sides. I know you're side it probably all sore from shots everyday"

Y/n: "No, after I get the shot, we put ice on it. It helps with the soreness and there is no bruising or pain left behind. No wonder nurses only give ice, it works"

Doc: "That's interesting to know, well whatever works for you. Your scans look good from last month, and we're waiting for your scans this time."

After about 5 minutes, the Doctor left and returned a little after with the scans, "Okay Y/n, well it still shows no sign or returning. Everything is looking all the same"

Y/n: "Cool, so. I'm gonna join Twice on their tour, I forgot to ask, I'm I good to fly?"

Doc: "Yeah, you're fine. How long will you be gone"

Y/n: "Oh you know, just 5 months"

Doc: "Oh wow, and that's 5 months you'll miss in person meetings. It's fine, before you leave we get all your scans done, we'll make sure you're still good. Then when you return, you'll do them again just as a safety thing"

Y/n nodded, "Sure thing"

Doc: "One last thing Y/n, touring is gonna be stressful. You need to be careful, I know you aren't doing anything, but their stress might cause you stress, the constant need to get going. The rush you may feel, you don't want to feel like you're falling behind. You need to be careful and if you need a breather, take one. Please"

Y/n nodded and laughed a little, "You gonna recommended me a breather"

The doctor wrote down something and handed it to Y/n, "There"

Y/n: "Are you serious?"

Doc: "Once a day, you need to spend at least 30 minutes alone to gather yourself and keep yourself from handling too much"

Y/n: "I'm like a stowaway, I won't do anything"

Doc: "Well tell me Miss Kim, how did you end up with a heart attack"

Y/n grabbed the injection prescription and bowed, "See you"

The Doctor nodded, "That's what I thought"

Y/n started to walk to the company, she wanted to start studying for her tests coming up. She was so ready for school to be over but midterms hasn't even hit yet.

Before she walked in, she turned around going to turn her prescription in first. After getting the 3 bottles that hold the insulin, she finally walked back to the company and went inside, only to be stopped again.

Security: "You need to be authorized"

Y/n rolled her eyes, "Hejeong, I see you everyday! I am authorized. I have my own pass now because I've been coming here"

Security: "You still need to be authorized"

Y/n tried to walk through, but was stopped, "Seriously, Hejeong. I might be smaller than you, but I will kick you ass"

Hejeong: "Rules are rules Y/n"

Y/n looked back, "Yeji! Ryujin! Help!"

Yeji and Ryujin walked up to Y/n, seeing her glaring at Hejeong. Yeji looked at Y/n, "Blocked again?"

Y/n nodded, "It's like he does it on purpose"

Ryujin: "Actually each time he stops you, it's on purpose"

Hejeong nodded and smiled, "Yeah, but this time. You're not allowed"

Y/n: "Says who?"

Hejeong: "Says Twice. You're banned from entering for the meantime"

Y/n: "You're fucking joking"

Hejeong: "I'm not actually, you are not allowed inside."

Y/n nodded, "What the actual Fuck"

Ryujin: "What did you do?"

Y/n: "I don't know, probably for all the times I fought them against my injection."

Yeji laughed a little, "Tough"

Y/n sighed, "Please, I need to speak with them"

Hejeong: "Sorry, Jihyo was very clear. Kim Y/n is not allowed to enter."

Jihyo walked out from behind Hejeong along with Jeongyeon and Nayeon. "I'm sorry Y/n"

Y/n sighed, "Really, what is this?"

Jihyo: "Don't worry, it's not gonna be long, you'll be able to enter again."

Y/n nodded and reached into her pocket to pulled out the medicine, "Well I need it for the rest of my life now. It can be on either sides, should burn less, and I don't have to lay down for 5 minutes after"

Jihyo grabbed the medicine, "Okay, that's fine. We'll help you"

Y/n looked at them,"I'll leave then, oh and it should now be in the mornings, for the medicine. So bye I guess, I'll be at the dorm"

Jeongyeon could see Y/n getting sad, "It's only for a little bit Y/n"

Jihyo: "You'll understand later"

Y/n shook her head, "It's whatever actually. I'll go"

She walked out of the company, going to the dorm grabbing her stuff animals and putting them on the couch with a note "Hanging out with friends. I'll be back late"

Y/n laughed a little, "What friends?" She just felt pushed aside but she was probably being overdramatic

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