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They all talked for a little bit before all going back to sleep. Dahyun slept in Y/n's room to make sure she would be okay.

Y/n knocked out really easily, but Dahyun couldn't sleep, she looked over and saw Y/n's shirt moved up a little and saw a baby scar, she rubbed her finger slightly over it, "Why did you get all the medical issues, why couldn't it be me"

Dahyun hugged her sister and fell asleep. It was 8 when they finally woke up, and Y/n was on her phone just laying down.

Dahyun: "Don't you have school?"

Y/n nodded, "Yeah, my class doesn't start till 10, but I'm skipping today. The Doctor said I need to stay in bed today, gotta relax and not do anything for a while"

Dahyun laughed a little, "School won't kill you, but I get it. But you are not staying in bed, you're going with us to the company and laying down there. I will not let you leave my sight unless it's for the restroom or school"

Y/n laughed and got up, "Okay..okay I'll get dressed. But you have to leave my room"

Dahyun got up, "And so you can change, but those are the only reasons"

Y/n: "Yeah yeah. Leave"

Dahyun left the room, Y/n changed, grabbed her heart medicine and the injection bottle and needle. She put them in her backpack, and put it on so she can do a little bit of school work.

She emailed her teachers and made sure they knew she was in the hospital, so she was catching up online so she won't be behind

Sana stopped her, "Hold it college kid."

Y/n looked back, "Yes Miss Minatosaki, how may I assist you this fine morning"

Sana laughed, "Stop being weird, but why do you have your backpack. We were told you would be resting"

Y/n: "Well if I'm going back to school tomorrow, I need-"

Nayeon looked over, "Tomorrow? No ma'am. The Doctor said you can go back in 3 weeks"

Y/n: "But, then I'll only be in school for one week before my big surgery"

Jeongyeon nodded, "I'm sorry, look why don't you drop out for this semester, and pick up next semester. There is no rush if you need to look at your health"

Y/n sighed, "I already paid for my classes"

Jihyo sat down on the couch, "If they don't reimburse you, then we will. And we'll pay for your classes that you'll take the next semester"

Y/n shook her head, "I can't"

Nayeon looked at her, "Talk to your professors, we'll help you out here as much as we can. Ask if you can record the lectures, some might say no but tell them that you can't be doing too much and this is a way for you to pay attention and go back on notes without doing a lot"

Y/n: "I can't, if they say no. I'm gonna respect that"

Sana shook her head, "I understand that, then how about I go talk to your professors and come up with a compromise with them. Sound fair? Yeah, let's do that instead."

Y/n sighed, "What about homework"

Tzuyu: "If it comes down to that, then tell me what to write and I'll write your homework assignments, but I'm sure some of it will be online"

Y/n nodded, "Yeah, some assignments are online, but a majority is written assignments. I did a few of them in the Hospital when none of you were there"

Momo rolled her eyes, "I told you she would do that"

They got ready and left, Y/n was feeling better and was working on her homework, it wasn't causing much stress, and they just let her work for 1 hour before making her rest for another hour. Repeating for the rest of the time they were there.

Momo ran up and hugged Y/n from behind, "So how do you feel right now?"

Y/n smiled, "Pretty well..living"

Mina sat down at the table Y/n was working at, "So after dinner, want to play Mariokart with me. Have a little fun"

Y/n nodded, "That sounds like fun"

Mina smiled, "You're gonna be okay"

Y/n looked at her work, "Now that I'm being taken care of, I will be"

They went out to eat, Y/n took her medicine, and they just had a good time talking and enjoying the moment together.

Why spend all this time stressing, when Y/n can enjoy the moments that are left, and the members can spend more time with Y/n.

That night, Mina and Y/n played 4 rounds of MarioKart, before Mina paused the game, and left Y/n confused, "Why did you pause it?"

Mina looked up at everyone, "Okay, time for the injection"

Y/n got up, "Give me an hour to get ready"

Momo came up from behind and held onto Y/n's arms. Y/n was starting to struggle, and fell to the floor, 3 people got on top of her, and helped her calm down a little.

Dahyun: "Hey..hey. Okay, deep breaths"

Y/n was unable to move, now pinned to the floor, but was also taking deep breaths to calm herself down and to not overwork herself.

Jihyo looked at the bottle and and filled the injection, "Okay so this says, on her right side near her ribs. Okay so after, Y/n needs to lay down for about 5 minutes to let the medicine do its work"

Jihyo lifted up Y/n's shirt and quickly did the injection, and Y/n winced in pain, "That hurts!"

Jihyo pulled the needle out, and the ones holding her got up leaving Y/n to lay down on the floor with tears filling her eyes, "That hurt"

Dahyun sat down and played with Y/n's hair, "Tomorrow call your Doctor, see if it's supposed to hurt as much as it's hurting you. Okay? I hate to see you hurt like this"

Y/n nodded, "Okay...thank you"

Dahyun smiled a little, "Anything for you sis"

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