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Nayeon looked at Y/n, "What is he talking about?"

Y/n shook her head, "It's nothing"

Momo got up and sat on the bed, "It definitely sounded like something"

Y/n looked at them, "Don't you have a tour to be practicing for?"

Jeongyeon nodded, "Yeah, but you are more important, so what is happening?"

Y/n shook her head, "It's not a big deal, you guys weren't even supposed to know about my heart, but Chae sent me here"

Nayeon sighed, "What is the matter with us knowing"

Y/n: "I don't want to bother anyone, like I know...get the help, but what the Doctor was talking about was a little more...I needed to tell people"

Jeongyeon nodded, "Then tell us"

Y/n sighed, "I have something...it's in my side, but it's spreading and this surgery is supposed to get rid of it"

Nayeon: "So is it gonna be unavailable in like 4 months? Or what was that?"

Y/n: "Technically, that's actually my...timeline. I have 4 months"

Momo: "Then why the Fuck are you hesitating on the surgery"

Y/n: "I need to get an injection everyone night for 1 month then my surgery will be after that, but I would need to be cared for after, all of you will be on tour"

Nayeon looked at the time, "We're gonna be leaving soon, but aren't you going on tour with us?"

Y/n shook her head, "If I have surgery, I can't go on a plane"

Momo laughed a little, "We'll be celebrating Sana's birthday by the time it's 4 months, so please...we'll be here to take care of you"

Y/n: "I hate shots though"

Nayeon: "Well, to get you to feel better, we'll give them to you. Y/n tell your Doctor yes you'll go through"

Y/n: "Also can you not tell Dahyun just yet, I'll tell her. I really should be the one to tell her"

Momo: "Just don't let it be like this heart thing. You Have to tell her"

Y/n nodded, "I will"

The door opened and Jihyo, Mina, and Sana walked in. Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Momo walked out.

The 4 of them talked for a little bit until the nurse came in and checked in on Y/n, but the Doctor followed in again, "Okay Miss Kim, I have some test results that I think you...might not like"

Y/n: "Can they leave first"

Doc: "Are you going to tell them?"

Y/n: "That's why I'm asking them to leave"

Doc: "Okay, can you ladies step out"

Sana shook her head, "No, she hid this from us, we need to know how to keep her safe"

Doc: "I tried, so Y/n you said you would get back to me on that surgery. But we're changing your heart medicine to something a little stronger. Last thing is, we found a slight little tear which has been making you loose blood really slowly."

Y/n groaned, "Doc, please just kill me. I'm 19, I can't let my body get worse"

Doc: "So you ready for the good news"

Y/n: "Last time it was good, it ended up bad"

Doc: "You'll be scheduled for a blood transfusion, we'll close that tear and you'll be done and won't have to worry about that. Your new medicine will help you a lot more with your heart, and will bring the chances of another heart attack down by a whole lot."

Y/n nodded, "Okay, also....I'll do the surgery"

The doctor looked up and smiled, "Really? Okay yeah. Well for now, we're gonna focus on your transfusion. It'll be scheduled when you're clear from your heart attack, but everything is looking normal, so I will shoot for tomorrow, if not the day after."

Y/n: "Okay, slow down. Huh?"

Doc: "Tomorrow, depending on how stable you are, you can be cleared for your heart attack. After that, we'll focus on that transfusion, get that tear cleared, and you could be released in 2 days. You'll get the injection the day you get cleared"

Y/n nodded, "Sounds good"

The Doctor walked out and Y/n looked at the 3 girls staring at her, "Before you start these questions, I've hidden some facts from you guys, and he is the Doctor that has been trying to get me to do a surgery so I can live"

Sana gasped, "YOU'RE DYING?!"

Y/n face palmed, "Worded that wrong...I really did word that wrong. But yes, but I'm having the best time with you guys"

Jihyo shook her head, "You listen here. You can not go dying on us. You can Not be leaving us, you got that?"

Y/n nodded, "Chae said the same thing"

Mina sighed, "Why wait?"

Y/n rolled her eyes, "I wish I could've just explained this to all 9 of you at once"

Sana: "I mean...you had multiple chances"

Y/n: "Well that is true"

She explained everything and then was finally able to change the topic. They had a few more laughs for next few hours, then the maknaes were the last ones to show for the day.

Y/n carefully explained her whole situation, and how much of a big deal it was. Dahyun was having some slight mixed emotions, but was ultimately upset that Y/n hid everything.

Dahyun: "This injection...You hate shots"

Y/n: "It has to be every night"

Tzuyu: "We're forcing you to get that injection"

Y/n laughed, "Yeah, I know."

Dahyun smiled a little bit, but Y/n could see the disappointment and slight anger, "How could you hide this?"

Y/n held Dahyun's hand, "I'm sorry. I hated being a burden, people dropping what they're doing to help"

Dahyun smacked Y/n in the back of the head, "Stupid, not only are you Not a burden, but you are also Dying. These things NEED to be said"

Y/n nodded, "You're right, I'm sorry. From now on, I'll be totally honest and you'll know everything"

They finished that night off with Dahyun staying the night in the hospital, and the next day she got cleared and got the transfusion done, slight incision made but barely noticeable, she was all good and they left at 2 in the morning.

Y/n: "Such an odd time to be released"

Jeongyeon laughed a little, "Everyone is still up and waiting for you. Also your Doctor said that we can start the injections now and by the time 7 reaches, we can do the other one. But if we want to start later today, it was fine as well. Just once a day though"

Y/n nodded, "I'll take it later"

Jeong: "He said it was important that you don't miss a day"

Y/n looked at Jeongyeon, "Like you guys would let me miss"

They made it back to the dorm and Y/n was greeted in hugs, happy to be back at the dorm.

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