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Still that night


After sending my quiet aggressive text, of course August had to be childish and text me when

Danielle-shut up, you're mad annoying like please loose my number.

Unknown-you said fuck you

Danielle-I fucking hate you BYE.

I blocked his number and opened my my notebook. I resumed sketching a design that I'm currently working on.

Baby boy began to play and my phone buzzed. I checked who was calling my phone.


Bryan is a cute light skin boy who met I through my friend Rachel. We ain't official, but we do have something going on between us.

"Hello"I answered.

"Wassup ma"His voice sounded groggy as if he just woke up.

"Nothing much, what's up?"I questioned and closed my design book. I placed the phone on speaker and put it next to me.

"I was wondering if you want to go on a date"He asked. I nearly freaked out.

"Yeah where?"I calmly asked even though in the inside I was freaking out. I fumbled with my ring waiting for what he was going to say next.

"Just dress casual, but where we are going will be a surprise"He playfully demanded. I chuckled.

"Yes sir"I joked.

"Lol babe bye"He chuckled.

"Bye"I giggled.

What the fuck, I never giggle.

"Babe?"I whispered to myself, surprised at the name he suddenly called me.

"Yes babe"His voice suddenly interrupted my thoughts. I forgot we were on the phone.

"Oh I said that out loud didn't I"I blushed completely embarrassed. I heard him laugh and a bunch of shuffling.


We hung up and I quickly shot up and got dressed.

I came out with a blue jersey crop top and white high waisted pants. I put my belly ring in , and then applied my clear lip gloss. I let my curly hair stay down but I styled it in a half up-half down style.

I sat on my couch and played on my phone until I heard a horn honk. I grabbed my purse and walked out.

I opened the door and plopped down in Bryan's car. He gave me a crazy look.

"What?"I questioned.

"Uh-un you to fat fo' dat"Bryan said in a 'ghetto' voice.

"Lol shut up just drive"I chuckled.


We pulled up to tag r us. I smacked my lips and looked over towards him.

"Laser tag?"I asked and popped a piece of gum in my mouth. He nodded with a huge smile on his face.

"Yeah bae laser tag"He confirmed.

I laughed and shook my head. I fluffed out the back of my hair.

"Now get out"He demanded.

"No I don't feel like it"I complained. "I just want to sit here all day and have people feed me food"

He closed his side of the door and went to mine and picked me up.

He closed the door.

"Thank you"I giggled. Why the hell am I giggling!

He laughed.

We just stared into each others eyes. Might I mention, he had beautiful hazel eyes.

I felt his soft lips crash in to mine. I didn't know if I should be mad or enjoy this moment , all I know is that he ruined my

He put me down and we walked inside.


"I'm red"I smiled and put the light up vest across my my body.

"Then I guess I'm green"He did the same actions.

"Prepare to get your ass beat"I challenged and looked up at him. He was way taller then me.

"Five, four, three, two, one"The robotic voice sounded.

Bryan and I ran apart from each other both finding spots to hide. The sound of lasers sounded around me. I decided to get up.

I was walking when I bumped into someone.

"Oh shit"I yelled quickly shooting him. He frowned as his told him that he was out. "Aha" I guess I cheered too soon because someone else has shot me.

"Aha"He mocked. I rolled my eyes.

After a couple of minutes. The whole entire game was over. We both returned our vest and went outside to the lobby.

Bryan placed a quick peck upon my lips. I gotta tell him to stop doing that when I have gloss on my lips.

We began to walk towards the car.

"So I was thinking, we've been hanging out for a minute, and I was just wondering if you wanted to be my girl?"He questioned.

"I would love to be"I smiled.

"lets go eat"

"Now you're talking my language"I chuckled and we both got in the car.


We were at Red Robin's. We had a hard time choosing what wanted so we both decided on this.

"Can I get the cowboy burger and the garlic Parmesan fries?"I questioned looking up at the lady.

"Yes mam and what for you?"She asked Bryan.

"Imma have the regular french fries and the double tavern burger"He smiled. Bryan handed the lady our menus.

"Okay and imma get you guys refills, what drink did you have?"

"Water"I answered.


"Ok I'll be back with your drinks"

"You're lying right now"I laughed. I'm pretty sure we were annoying the people next to us but Bryan was funny as hell.

"I'm foreal my mom payed me to kick rocks"he chuckled.

"Ma'am you total is $15.42 and sir your total is $21.21"she said.

We payed and we went to the car.


"Thank you, we should hang out more often" I smiled. Bryan was a really cool dude, he was way different from other dudes. I guess I just wasn't use to being treated right.

"Me two"He smiled.

He smashed his lips into mine and I deepened the kiss.

"Get a room!"My bestfriend Rachel yelled. How did she get in my house anyways.

"Shut up "I yelled back and focused my attention back on Bryan.

"Bye Danielle"


He went to his car and drove off.

Rachel and I walked inside my house.

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