Chapter 14

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The answer to the question was one of Smelly Gabes friends. Also tomorrow is my birthday so happy birthday to me.

I tapped his shoulder, scared for what he would do.
"Whaddya want?" He said angerly.
'Can me and the rest of the kids go out Sir?' I quickly wrote on a paper and gave it to him.
"Yeah, whatever. Just get out of my hair." He said, smacking me alongside my face, and I knew there was going to be a red handprint soon.
I quickly went upstairs to get Michelle and Danny.
I waved when I entered the room, and picked up Michelle.
"Are we going now?" Danny asked, and I nodded, going to get the others so we could leave.
"Yeah, we'll meet you outside." They said in almost unison.

The walk to Thalia and Jason's house was long, and I was carrying Michelle the entire time, who was mainly sleeping in my arms, and pulling kids back when they almost got hit by cars for not paying attention.

At last, around 7:15, we finally make it to their house.

'I hope you don't mind the amount of people.' Michelle signed slowly, then looked at me and smiled proudly when I gave her a small nod.
"Piper! I need to learn how to sign faster! Get over here!" Thalia yelled, and Piper came over.
Michelle signed the same thing again, and Piper replied.
"Perce, Thals said that she was fine with you bringing them over. Plus, it's only like 3 and a half people." Piper said, then moved out of the way, and pushed Thalia, so that we could get in.

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