Cradles 1

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I'm in Los Angeles, California. Mateo street is on hold, the sound of the horns of each car presses through my ears. It's dark and cold and I can't see anything. But I'll manage, why? Because I'm running. And I can't look back.

Three men from the streets are right behind me with a gun. "Go left I'll catch up with you later," my brother was always the protective one. He never wanted me on the street but what choice do I have. "I won't let go. They'll kill you '' 21 years old me, hypertensive, short, dark, swift and the best. "You'll have to go now, or we'll both die," my brother yells, "I love you," I said looking him full in the face, "I love you too. Go left...left...left now?. Take the bag and run, get out of here". He unhanged the black colored cross bag and threw it to me

I ran left, he went right, the wrong choice I know. But again, what choice do I have? Cus around here you don't fuck with the the streets or you'll be dead. I and my brother actually went on a dead wish and fucked with Lobos. No one fucks with Lobos, you fuck with him you die, for real man for real, you die. It's that simple.

I finally found the way to IC's territory, two of IC men shot me from a distance and immediately discharged their weapons, steering the other folks. As usual, I walked into the dark room, the sensor bulb turns on after I walked pass the threshold. It was IC [Iron condemn] the man in charge of Marcello cartel. "So, what do you have for me. The money or a story," he said

"Both, I have both," I appeared frightened but regained confidence later because in the game of drugs women can't afford to look weak.

"I've seen you with the bag, so I assume that's the money. What's the story this time?"

"My brother is in danger and you need to help him now,"

"Your brother doesn't work for me anymore, he works for Lobos. I'm not Lobos and I don't mengle in business that don't concern me,"

"So what? We are going to leave him to die."

"I also want your brother dead," IC walked closer, "so if I'm the one who you want to save the unsteady pig. I'll just grab the opportunity and blow his brains out. Enough of this shit, drop the bag and get your payment, and get out of this State. Different name and passport as you said,"

"Give me the passport first," I tried the smart move

"Be wise for once, give me the bag or you're gonna have a problem with me,"

"I'm not," I pressed it handles closer to my ribs, grabbing it with all strength possible,"

"You give me the bag, I'll give you the passport and you'll walk free like we discussed,"

"We both know I'm useless without this money,"

"I'll hate to kill you at the very moment of your victory, give me the bag," I walked closer to the threshold holding the bag tight in my arms, IC pulled out his gun. I immediately ran through a tremendous shock. But I can handle it, I told myself.

"This is your last chance, no playing me," he went further to pull the hammer. "IC you shouldn't do this,"

"Then give me a reason not to. Because that's exactly what I'm going to do, blow your mother fuckin brains out,"

"If it's really my passport that's in there why not give the passport and here's your money,"

"Are you doubting me? Is this what this is now?"

"You tell me. Toss me the bag let me confirm and I hope to walk out of here without catching a bullet in my head," IC got more pissed and pulled the little iron on the other end of the gun, "drop the bag and run,"

"You didn't arrange the passport, did you?

"Drop the bag,"

"I won't, if you shot me, I die knowing that I served you well, and you didn't keep your own end of the bargain,"

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