Chapter 10, Shock

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"Can something like this be called a house?" Tomo says while pointing to Sugata's tent.

I stand there, approaching them before taking a spot to stand on. From inside the helmet, I look at Ikaros.

Removing my helmet, I'd go to Tomoki. "So, what brought you guys here?"

"Homework," he says with a couple of math sheets in his hand, "and you guys?"

I'd give him a stern look. "Classified." However before turning away, I wink at him and whisper. "I'll tell you later."

The three students would then sit down at the table and start their homework while I go to the river and watch as fish would run through only to come back to Tomoki who has his paper in his hands with the word "Master" written all over them.

Timeskip to when Sugata finishes their homework.

Nimbus squad leaders alongside Tomoki and Sohara gathered around him while us Operators stood with our backs to them in a guard formation.

"Even though, before now, the "New Continent" has always travelled randomly around the world. After it arrived at this small town, it seems to have settled down."

I turn around, "Permission to speak?"
Sugata nods at me.

"If it has traveled around the world,  does it mean that whoever is in the "New Continent" could have been gathering intelligence based on many things? For example: military infrastructure, secret development labs, maybe even top secret nuclear weapon locations?"

This caused a mumbling among the Nimbus squad leaders with one even saying that the "New Continent" could have even observed Nimbus's early stages of development. This sent shudders down my spine. If this "New Continent" has been watching us since the beginning, they could already be coming up with ways to counter us. If we were to fight against them, we'd just be insects for all we know.

"Hey, Tomoki! Come here!"
He walks over looking confused, Sugata faces a laptop to him.
"Look here."

"This is that thing from before." He says before a curious Sohara joins in.
Sugata then addresses us all.
"That geomagnetic disturbance is still over our town. Up until this point, the "New World" has been circumnavigating the Earth but currently its holding its position above the city. This sort of thing has never happened before."

We quickly got into a conversation about the night we found Ikarus. Tomoki explains himself followed by me. Tomoki then orders Ikarus to fly up and check out the black hole.

Nimbus Leader and I glance at Sugata's reaction. Something's up in his head.
Tomoki notices as well.
"You look like that bothers you, what's up?"

Sugata snaps out of his daze. "I-I'm fine, I just want to confirm a few things for myself-"
"it's something I'm going to have to do alone."
He bats an eye to us division operatives.

Sohara quickly mentions his glider, asking if he's going to fly there himself.

Losing interest in the conversation I space out and return to the gunship.

Some time later...

"Defensive positions!"

Division operatives rush out as everyone who's not a capable combatant gets on the ground.

"High velocity object approaching! Identify before opening fire!" calls out Nimbus Leader.

Suddenly a mini tsunami explodes at us but thanks to out exos, we're all able to avoid it. Landing back down, we train our weapons on- Ikarus?

My HUD identifies the fish she's carrying as we lower our weapons. Man, this is beyond my pay grade. I lower my weapon and sigh. 

"Like the Amazon?" Tomoki says, I nod at him. 
"How did you get all the way there and back so quick?"

"I have the ability to fly at an airspeed of Mach 24."
Like a shock, all of us Nimbus members are hit by it.

Wherever she's from- we were outclassed by them from the beginning.

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