Chapter 16

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The green glass shook in his hands as he weakly lowered himself to the ground, the sand around him dissipating from the tornado it was in. Bruno saw his eyes go from bright to dark in seconds through the reflection, and small drops of salty water dropped onto his cheeks.

He shouldn't have had that vision. He knew that it would ruin everything, yet he still pushed himself to do what he hated.

He took a deep breath, studying the image in front of him, hoping that he missed something, hoping that there was some clue that this was better than it seemed. He couldn't see one.

The green reflections showed Cassidy, her gray dress flowing in invisible wind, her paintbrush in hand. Her head was tilted up, bravely, as two other figures, a man and a woman, walked away from her, their hands intertwined as Cassidy stood alone. She looked sad but strong, and Bruno couldn't help but feel that he would make this happen. Not only was he Bad Luck Bruno but...she was alone. She was standing alone and he wasn't there with her.

Did that mean that she's single for the rest of her life? Or would she find someone? Where was he? Where was Bruno?

He sighed, dropping the glass onto the sand and putting his head in his hands. This wasn't how it was supposed to go. They were supposed to be together forever, but now they weren't going to be.

What was wrong with him? Why did he ruin everything that he touched?

"I'm so sorry, Cass..." He whispered, and his rats looked at him curiously. "I'm so sorry..."

He felt the rats' small bodies clamber up his clothes, cuddling into his ruana and his hair, and Bruno let them, soon becoming absorbed in his thoughts once more.

Did he tell her what he saw? Would she be upset? No, she wouldn't be. She loved him, she would understand.

He had to tell her. It's the least she deserved.

But Bruno really wished that he hadn't had that vision. It changed everything.

He knew that he couldn't change the past, and the future was just as hard to change. He knew that very well. That meant he had to live with what he did, no matter the consequences.

He groaned, more tears threatening to escape. He could feel a headache blossoming in his skull, and he dragged his feet up under him, and began the trek down the stairs and to his hammock, letting sleep take him before any of his insecurities and worries could.


Years later.

"You made this?"

Bruno nodded as he took another bite of the bandeja paisa, his rats climbing on his ruana. Cassidy laughed as she watched him eat, playing with her own food.

The room was dark, only lit by a single candle and the moon outside of the window. Bruno smiled as he watched her take a small bite, a satisfied look crossing her face. Her hair was in a loose bun, like always, and there was yellow paint smeared across her cheek, likely from the painting she did that day.

She, once the Madrigal family grew, with the birth of 5 kids coming faster than anyone would have expected, was tasked with painting a family mural in the town. Alma wanted her to use her talents for good, and Cass took the task eagerly. She and Bruno didn't hold much hope for their future, but she still wanted to get in the older woman's good books.

They had never asked about getting married again, as it was still a secret that they were even together. Yet, it still lingered on their minds, even though Bruno was already 40.

Everything (Nothing) Keeps us Apart (Bruno Madrigal/ Original Character)Where stories live. Discover now