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Rory's POV -
Edward's finally back! After what feels like forever. In reality, it's been like two days. And then he just turns up in his silver Volvo with golden eyes to take me to school.
"Hey love," he says as I get in.
"Hi." I lean over and kiss him.
"I missed you."
"It wasn't that long."
"It was long enough. Plus, you missed me too."
"Did not," I say, you know. Like a liar.
"Sure you didn't."
"Okay, maybe a teensy weency bit."
"Was Addy good? I see you're not dead."
"She is a bit responsible." He chuckled.
"I've known Adrienne for many years. In that time she has yet to prove herself as that responsible."
"I said a bit. Not alot."
"Yes. Have you eaten breakfast?"
"I had coffee and an apple."
"There's a pastry in the glove compartment."
"I've had breakfast!" Despite my protests, my hungry stomach growls.
"And you will have that pastry. Because it will be good for you. I know you're hungry. You love breakfast, you only skip because you don't have time. So just eat the baked goods."
I bite into the buttery flakiness.
"Mm. You're the best."
"I know." I shove his shoulder.
"Are you sure you want to shove the driver?"
"You won't crash. You normally drive at a million miles an hour. Today you are driving at 30. A sensible speed."
"We're going too slow."
"If you keep complaining at going at good speed, I'll start getting Klaus to drive me places. He is a sensible driver. You, on the other hand."
"Is that a threat?" He asks, smiling.
"Don't act like you don't like me picking you up. I bring love. And breakfast."
"Fine, you win. I do love breakfast. And love is fine too. But you know how to improve that."
"Coffee. I take four sugars"
"I'll keep that in mind. Also, four sugars? Do you want some coffee with that sugar?"
"Shut up."
"I never liked sugary coffee."
"How could you not! It's too bitter when there's no sugar."
"I like bitter. Liked."
"And to think I love you."
"You do love me."
"I do."
"Well, for the record, I love you too."
I blush a little. He laughs. I shove him again, which makes him laugh harder.
"Also, did we have English homework?"
"We had to write an essay over the weekend on Malvolio."
"Shoot. Oh well. I was ill. I can do it tonight."
"Is that the story we're going with?"
"Yes. Look, I even have a doctors note."
"You came prepared."
"I always come prepared."
"You always use this excuse? Doesn't anyone get suspicious?"
"Sometimes we have a 'family emergency'. That knocks out all of us."
"You guys need better excuses."
"It's worked so far."
We park in our normal space, but today there are more cars around. Either everyone is early, or we're later than usual. I think it's the latter. Mike Newton never comes early for anyone or anything.
"They were probably just charmed by your family."
"Oh we're charming now?" he smirks.
"You definitely are. I've seen people around your family, so I'm sure they are too. You guys are beautiful. Annoyingly, you have been particularly well sculpted."
"You're beautiful. Really beautiful, love."
"Not really. Definitely not. Especially compared to your lot."
"You're more beautiful." He looks into my eyes. God, he's looking at me with those eyes. Those soft, lovey eyes that make me fall apart.
"Stop lying. Not for my sake."
"I'm not. Even Rosalie doesn't hold up."
"Now you're definitely lying."
"I couldn't lie to you."
"You told me you were a human."
"Okay I lied a little bit."
"Oh, just a little bit."
"I promise you I'm not lying to you about this."
"Swear to me. Swear to me on something that matters."
"Fish fingers and custard. I swear to you on fish fingers and custard that I believe you are more beautiful than Rosalie Hale."
I kiss him. I don't believe him, but I believe that he believes it. He's sweet. And understands that I love Doctor Who.
"We good then?"
"We'll always be good."
He hugs me with one arm and places a kiss on my head. There is a knock on the window and we see Alice and Addy.

"Alright lovebirds, Alice needs to go to Physics and we need to work on our project. You know, the concerto we're writing that'll impress everyone."
I laugh as my boyfriend rolls his eyes. I open my door and get out. I feel Alice take my wrist and start pulling me to Physics.
"I'm coming! I'm coming." I jog to her side, "you can let go of my arm."
"Alright. But what did you get for question 7 in the homework?"
"Uhhh. 35. I don't think it's right, I only did it this morning."
"No, I got 35 too. Phew! I thought I'd started making up Physics, or using an old, incorrect method." She hugs me. I awkwardly hug her back.
"Let's go before Professor Scott kills us."
"That would be good."
We start to jog to our classroom. That is until someone one a motorbike comes through the gate, driving way, way too fast for a school campus. The biker speeds towards us. He passes us, hitting a girl, Angela I think her name is. She falls over, and starts bleeding. I rush over to see if she's okay. I can see where the blood is coming from. Alice is backing away, and I shout for her to call an ambulance. People are looking around, I'm pretty sure I see someone has their phone out, filming.
"Angela? Angela, can you hear me?" She groans in response.
"Okay, Angela, can you try to stay with me? If you see some bright light, do not go towards it. You hear me? Do not go towards it."
I take off my waterproof and jumper, wrapping my jumper around her arm to put pressure on the bleeding. There's a large cut in her side. I don't know how to stop it. Without thinking, I stick my hand in it. I don't know what I was thinking, but I now have my hand in the body of some random person in my Physics, Art and Math classes. Okay, breath. I don't think she's dying. But she will if I move my hand. Because of blood loss. So do not move the hand. Or jumper. Which is already turning red. With her blood. Edward runs through the crowd at human speed, putting an arm around my shoulder. He holds Alice's phone.
"Should you be here, next to this much blood?" I whisper to him.
"I'll be fine. How are you love?"
"I don't know. Hey Angela, I have my hand in your side to stem the bleeding, okay? Alice has called an ambulance. If you can here my voice, try to speak to me." This time, she doesn't reply.
"Hello. This is a 911 operater. My name is Grace, can you tell me what' s going on?"
"Uhh. I have my hand in her side to stem her bleeding and a Hoodie around her arm, but that's nearly completely red with blood. I asked her if she could hear me and she didn't respond."
"Is the patient breathing?" I put my ear against her mouth, looking down her chest.
"Yes, but not much."
"Okay kid, an ambulance is on its way. It's currently four minutes away. Is there anything else you could use on the arm?"
"Umm. Edward, can I use your jacket?"
"Sure," my boyfriend says, replacing my hoodie with the dark orange jacket.
"Okay, you've replaced it. Does anyone have a belt? Judging by how quickly that wound is bleeding, you might need a tourniquet," Grace said. Some girl from the crowd hands me a belt. I give it to Edward.
"Angela, this is probably going to hurt," I tell the unconscious girl, and he pulls it tight across her arm.
"Okay. Belt is on the arm. How long till the ambulance gets here?"
"2 minutes. You're doing good kid."
"It happened right next to me. I just reacted. I don't know what I'm doing."
"Helps on the way. You may have helped save her life."
"Hey love, it's fine. You're fine. You did everything right," Edward tells me quietly, rubbing circles on my shoulderblade. I shiver, the cold of a Forks morning setting in.
"I can hear the sirens, love. They're nearly here. Everything's okay."
"What if I messed up? What if she dies?"
"There would've been nothing you could do."
All we can do is sit there, waiting for the paramedics, my boyfriend rubbing my shoulder, whispering sweet comforts that I my brain can't understand right this second. Finally, help comes.
"Kid, do you know what the situation is?" one of them asks.
"She's unconscious but breathing weakly. We put a belt around her arm and I have my hand in a deeper wound. She was hit be a motorbike," I reply breathlessly.
"We'll take it from here, but we're going to need to bring you with us. We don't know what will happen if you remove your hand."
"T-that's fine."
"Can I come with him?" Edward asks.
"I'm sorry, we only have room for him."
"I'll follow in my car, Rory. I'll be there as soon as possible. Okay. You're doing good. My father will be on this case. He works in Peds. He'll help you." I nod, and he kisses my temple. I get taken onto the rig and they drive us away, sirens blaring.

AN- I don't really know much medical stuff, so this probably isn't accurate. It started out as me just writing a cute Edward Rory scene, but here we are.
Also, Callie has a bi spine in her lab! (sorry, I'm on s11 Grey's Anatomy and was watching whilst reading this.)
-Liv 💗💜💙

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