Hey Amy

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AN~ This is set in the present, but without Covid, because I'll might make references to things that weren't around when Twilight is set.
Rory's POV -
When I get home, I start sketching my bike. I go downstairs to get a bite to eat, before going back to my sketch. At 8, I finish the artwork and get ready for bed. Before I forget, I practise my flute scales. Afterwards, I sit down on my bed and get out my diary.
Hey Amy,
I know I haven't written since I got here. It's been dreary weather since I got here, the clouds seemingly stuck in the sky. Dad got me a new bike though, which is good. I've made new friends, just like you wanted me to. One of them is a red head, like you. She's really sarcastic, and loves art, mechanics and music. She reminds me a lot of you. I'm also friends with her sister Alice, who is a bit weird, but nice. She's very cheerful, and full of life. Then there's Edward. He's, well, he's interesting. He's charming, I guess. He's really handsome, with his bronze coloured hair and deep caramel eyes. He's kind of mysterious, and sounds like he's from, like, the twentieth century. I sat with them and their family at lunch. Their siblings are nice. Bella hasn't been to much of a problem yet. She wasn't happy that I got a bike and she got this old truck, but other than that she's just ignored my existence. Most of the boys at school have a crush on her, for some reason. She's nothing special, but I guess she's the new, shiny toy. My teachers are nice enough. Not many of them made me introduce myself go the class. PE was terrible though. We're doing volleyball, and let's just say I will never become professional. Apparently next we're starting badminton, and we both know how that ended last time.
Miss you, so much

After I finished writing, I read my book for a bit, before going to bed.

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