12.5 - Russell And Emmett

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AN- This chapter comes between 12 and 13, but I had the idea after I'd written 13. So yeah. But it's kinda inconsequential to 13. Just a short thing about Russell and Emmet. You don't have to read it for the rest of the book if you don't want to.

Russell's POV -
After the chaos from downstairs, the quiet of our room is peaceful. I love my family but they can be a lot. I feel the arms of my mate wrap around my waist. "How are you feeling?" he mumbles into the crook of my neck.
"I'm fine."
"Don't try and pull that on me. How are you really feeling?"
"I just thought that things were different now."
"So did I. And they are. But there's still people who hate."
"It isn't what she said that bothers me. I mean, it does, but no one called her out on it. She was welcomed back to her table. No one really cared apart from our own family."
"I know, baby."
"Our immediate reaction hurt. We went back to what we used to do. Hide. Separate. Because of a comment."
"It's not fair. It's never been fair. But unfortunately some humans don't understand that love isn't just a man and a woman."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"Why can't we be like them? Able to show ourselves and not be judged. Or react to a single comment."
"I don't know Russ."
"Me neither Em."
I turn my head around and kiss him. He gives me a sad smile, before turning me around and kissing me, a hand on the back of my neck. We don't do thinks like this at school. None of us really do. But particularly not us. I guess that last however many decades has rubbed off. Sometimes I'm jealous of them, for being able to show their love with little care. I kiss Emmett harder, knowing that we won't have to come up for air. Just letting the love for my mate live.

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