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Rory's POV -
I get ready for going to Edward's. He invited me to Family game night, so of course I accepted. Which means I'm also meeting his parents. And I have to make a good impression. To make them see that I am good enough for their son. Which I'm not. But they can't know that. I call Addy.
"Seattle Morgue, you kill em, we chill em, how can I help you?"
"What do I wear?"
"To famy game night. What do I wear?"
"Oh, whatever."
"Wear anything."
"But I'm meeting my boyfriend's parents!"
"Fine. Uhh, casual."
"Smart casual or casual casual?"
"There are some black jeans in your second drawer. Wear them."
"I need a T-shirt."
"There's a white Hamilton shirt in your top drawer. And a leather jacket in your wardrobe."
"Why do you know where these things are?"
"I moved them there."
"Oh. Thanks."
"Don't worry about this evening. Esme will love you. And Carlisle takes in all sorts of strays, then proceeds to see them as his kids. You're better than any of us. He'll see you as a son in no time."
"Are you sure?"
"I've known Esme for longer than you've been alive. And Carlisle even longer. They'll love you. Now get changed. Edward's going to be there in fifteen minutes."
"See you in twenty."
"See you in twenty."

Fifteen minutes later, the silver Volvo pulls into the drive. Edward and Charlie talk a little, before we leave. They seem to be getting along. We get to the Cullens house quickly.
"Y'know, your house looks much better on the light and when I'm not half asleep."
"Thank you?"
"No. It's really beautiful."
"Esme designed it."
"Wow. If this isn't her job, then tell her whatever it is, better be incredibly good because she is fantastic at this."
"You should see the inside. And this is her job."
"How expensive is she to hire?"
"I want her to design my next house. Or my current house. But I'd need Charlie's approval."
"Well, you'd probably get a discount. Particularly because she's just heard you, I believe."
"Shit. Super hearing."
"Yes. Come on."
We walk into the house. The rest of the Cullens were sitting around the table.
"Rory, dear, come in," the woman who I assumed was Esme told me, standing up.
"Rory. This is my mother for all intents and purposes, Esme."
"Rory. Sit down. Can I get you anything? Tea, coffee?"
"No, thank you. I'm fine." I sit down at one of the empty chairs, next to Addy. Edward sat next to me.
"Nice to properly meet you, Rory," Carlisle reaches out a hand. I shake it.
"Rory. You're the deciding vote. Knockout Whist or Uno?"
"Uhhh, knockout whist?"
"Yes. Beat that!"
"We can play both," Carlisle says.
"But we're playing my game first. I won. That's all that matter."
"Shut up, Addy," Klaus says.
"I won."
"We get it. You don't have to rub it in." Carlisle grabs the pack of cards and shuffles the deck. He then deals each pair and then Addy seven cards.
"We play in pairs. Otherwise there aren't enough cards," Esme explains, slipping into the seat next to her husband and kissing him, handing me some water.
"But you stole my game partner, which means I'm playing alone. And will smash you all out of the park."
"Oh no you won't!" Klaus retaliates.
"Well, I'll certainly beat you."
Klaus gasps, "You take that back!"
"Oh please, when have you ever won knockout whist."
"Bet you $10 I beat you."
"You're on."
"Rosie, baby, we're winning this thing."
"I want in," Emmett says.
"Alright then."
"I'm about to win $20. Cool."
"I think you mean I'm about to win $20."
"You two are both wrong. I'm going to win $20."
"Bring it."
"As you can see, these three get very competitive during these games," Esme says to me.
"Oh, like you didn't get competitive when we last played Texas Hold 'em, before Jaz beat you," Addy says.
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
"She likes to do this. Pretend like she's not as competitive as us kids. But she is."
"Alright, we don't need to bombard our guest, let's start."

We're down to four cards each. Edward and I went out first after five cards.
"Trumps Diamonds," Esme says. They start strong with a king of that suit.
"Oh. You thought you were automatically through. Well I hope you have more diamonds coming this way because," Addy puts down an Ace, "I'm through."
Emmett puts down a 3 of diamonds, Alice a 6 of diamonds and Klaus drops down a 4 of spades.
"No trumps over there, hmm," Addy says as she collects the cards. "Queen of diamonds, I've won the round."
It ends up being Klaus and Rosalie, and Alice and Jasper who go out, much to Klaus' disappointment.
"Trumps are Hearts." The game continues to two cards with all of them still in.
"Trumps are Hearts." Carlisle and Esme win the first set, and Addy wins the second, in which Emmett slammed down his losing card.
"I'd like my $20 in cash, please." Both boys begrudgingly give her a tenner each.
Addy ends up winning, as she predicted. And Esme and Carlisle won the second round. But me and Edward won Uno. Twice. I'm a ninja at Uno.
We also play Twister. Which surprisingly or unsurprisingly, I can't tell, Alice and Jasper won. Never Have I Ever was suggested, but immediately turned down by Carlisle. Unfortunately, though I dread to think the questions that would have lead too. And seeing drunk Cullens. Instead we play pictionary. Popular quotes from that include:
"How is that a baby!" Rosalie to Klaus.
"It's clearly a watermelon!" Addy to me.
"I can't read minds." "Yes you can." "Not with Rory here." Edward to Addy.
"Honey, how is that the Christmas story? Your father was a priest, and I'm pretty sure you've just drawn four wise men. Oh, that's a Shepard. You should've put him further away. And next to a sheep." Esme to Carlisle.
"Baby, I love you. But that's not a swimming pool." Klaus to Rosalie
"Dude. Most people would've worked out the heart shape I'm drawing is love." Me to Addy.
"Did you draw just Dracula with bat's for Vampire?" Edward to me
"Look. The last time I went to a beach I was flat out drunk aged 18, and I swear this is what a bucket and spade looked like." Emmett to Russell.

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