Dorm Leaders + Jamil: Preferred Cuddling Positions

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Pairing: Riddle Rosehearts/Reader, Leona Kingscholar/Reader, Azul Ashengrotto/Reader, Jamil Viper/Reader, Kalim Al-Asim/Reader, Vil Schoenheit/Reader, Idia Shroud/Reader, Malleus Draconia/Reader

Warnings: No Beta,

Pronouns: They/Them

Riddle Rosehearts:

- I'm going to be basic and say he likes to spoon.

Riddle's eyes shot open at the thunder that followed the lightning strike.

His heartbeat quickened and he shifted uncomfortably.

He suddenly felt your presence behind him, arms wrapped around his waist securely.

While you weren't awake to comfort him in the way you usually would have, your presence seemed to calm him. Unconsciously, you pressed your face into the crook of his kneck. He focused on the steady beat of your heart, drowning out the storm coming from outside.

Leona Kingscholar:

I'd say he likes 'the sweetheart's cradle' except it's more him using you as a body pillow.

The sun was beaming through the window. Leona pressed his face further into your stomach, seemingly determined to not let you leave the bed.

While it was still the weekend and you didn't have anything to do that day, you still didn't particularly like the idea of staying in bed all day. As gently as you could, you tried to remove his arms from around your waist, yet he remained stubborn and tightened his grip in response. "C'mon Leona, you have to let go at some point."

His grip loosened by a small margin, yet he still continued to act as if he was still asleep. Your hand made its way towards his ears, he stiffened at first but quickly relaxed. You knew it would still be a while until you would be starting the day.

Azul Ashengrotto:

Honeymoon hug all the way baby. Loves being that close to you, it makes him feel secure.

Azul's breathing was shallow. Your legs were entangled, like flies caught in a spider's web. Your faces mere inches apart.

It wasn't the first time you two had been this close, far from it. This, however, did nothing to stop the heat rising to his face. He thanked the seven for both how dark the room was and for the fact that you were fast asleep.

How you hadn't woken up from the relentless beating of his heart, he didn't know. Soon enough though, sleep won him over and he started to drift off.

Jamil Viper:

It sometimes gets quite a bit ... warm on the Scarabia dorm so 'the leg hug' is his go-to. That or 'Zen style'

Both you and Jamil were coated in a thin layer of sweat. While most nights in the Scarabia dorm were confusingly cold, tonight, in particular, had been awfully humid.

He was turned on his back, both of you were far too hot to fall asleep.

You turned on your side and intertwined your ankles.

He shot you an irritated glare, sighed and then turned on his side - facing away from you. Doubling down on your actions, you turned to face him and draped one leg over his waist. Sighing once again, he turned to face you and leaned over, placing a chaste kiss on your lips.

He spoke softly, tired voice barely above a whisper "Why don't we try and get some sleep now, Love?"

Kalim Al-Asim:

This boy loves any cuddle in any position where he can be close to you, though the heat might make that difficult he at least wants to be able to feel you

A few moments ago you had finally managed to fall asleep, the heat and humidity working against you.

It wasn't long before your body suddenly felt even warmer than before. (how that was possible, you didn't know)

You slowly pried open your tired eyes and came face to face with Kalim.

He had his arms wrapped around you and was seemingly also trying to fall asleep. You sighed quietly and tried to gently remove his arms from around your waist. At this he immediately turned to look at your face, slightly confused. "It's too hot for this, Kalim." You said calmly.

He looked sad for a moment before releasing you, yet almost immediately after his hand was in yours. "Could I atleast hold your hand?"

You could live with that.

Vil Schoenheit:

He goes with 'shingles' most of the time, it's mostly so that he keeps his nightly face mask on while cuddling with you at the same time.

You turned your head to the side, staring up at Vil. His nightly beauty was carefully applied to his face. His arm was loosely draped over your shoulders.

Despite the lack of light in the room, you couldn't tear your eyes away from the sight. While most would consider it unflattering, Vil somehow managed to still look as graceful as ever.

After a few moments of silence, your eyes grew heavy. You knew Vil would give you an earful if you didn't get enough sleep.

Idia Shroud:

He usually stays up really late so 'the cliffhanger' or 'loosely tethered' are what he usually goes with as he doesn't want to disturb your sleep. Or he cuddles on his gaming chair.

Idia's eyes were strained. While the dim lights in his room were better than complete darkness, it was still a difficult adjustment to make after turning off his monitor.

He hesitantly made his way over the bed, trying his best not to trip over stray soda cans.

When he finally arrived and claimed under the covers he saw you sleeping soundly. Possibilities swirled around his mind, he could cuddle up to you (and risk waking you up) or he could leave you alone (and be lonely). After a quick mental back and forth he finally made a decision.

Timidly he moved closer to your sleeping figure. He draped his arm loosely around your waist and placed his head close to your neck, breathing in your comforting scent.

Malleus Draconia:

Also a spooner! He has his reserves at first, but after a while, he happily cuddles you.

Malleus seemed to be afraid of hurting you, his grip on your waist was loose. The exact reason you kept inching closer and closer.

(Well that and the fact that the Diasomnia was absolutely freezing at night)

The soft rain outside lulled you to sleep, and yet you fought against it. You wanted to seek out more of his body heat.

You intertwined your legs with his and rested your head under his chin.

It took a few moments for him to calm down, his heart was beating wildly.

When he did, everything felt at peace. With your body slowly being warmed up, Malleus's slowly beating heart and the light rain tapping against the window all meant that you were slowly but surely being lulled to sleep. 

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