Yandere Dorm leaders when their S/O overblots

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Ayo request cuz im bored.

Yan dorm leaders with overblot darling found out that their parents where dead in original world. (headcanons)

A/N: Kinda just assumed they died while mc was in twisted wonderland

Genre: Yandere Headcanons

Pairing: Yandere Dorm leaders/reader (separate)

Warnings: Yandere behaviour, mentions of death

Pronouns: They/Them

Riddle Rosehearts:

I firmly believe most of these men would aid in the cause of the overblot

After he hears the news of your parent's death he might be more lenient with the rules

The suddenness of their death makes him worry about his own loved ones

So after a while, he'll become much more possessive over you, and want to be close to you

He is absolutely distraught when you overblot, he isn't sure how to handle it at all

He might give you some space after your overblot has been dealt with, but soon he'll double down on his possessive tendencies due to his paranoia being through the roof

It might get to a point that he decides to abduct you

Leona Kingscholar:

He too would aid in the overblot

He's pretty distant when he first hears the news, he isn't very close to most of his family so he can't quite relate to your grief

Will probably just use you as a pillow cuddle you more often

He's not very eager to fight you when you overblot but he is willing to do what is necessary

He'll actually be very distant after your overblot but does soon become very clingy and possessive over you.

Azul Ashengrotto:

His relationship with his parents is slightly rocky he still couldn't imagine them dying and him not being able to say goodbye

Your grief sends him into hysterics himself so needless to say he wouldn't be all that good at comforting you

Though after seeing the state that you're in he calms down and tries his best to comfort you, probably buys you stuff and gives you hugs. 

Again not the best at comfort

When you overblot he'll actually be very distraught but the more angry type

Afterwards, he definitely abducts you. The room he keeps you in is pretty okay for a cell.

Kalim Al-Asim:

One of the more normal guys on this list.

He's on pretty good terms with his parents so he can properly empathise with you.

Since he's a pretty delusional yandere he'll be pretty ok at comforting you.

Whatever you need he'll be happy to provide, hugs, kisses, food the only thing he wouldn't be able to provide would be space, he's very smothering with his affection

Is almost hysterical when you overblot, he's already had one person close to him overblot now you

He would be practically glued to your hip after the overblot, he is very clingy and desperate. 

Another one that would abduct you, he would still treat you similarly you just can't leave.

Vil Schoenheit:

He's a pretty good actor so he would probably be really good at manipulating you to feel better

He does feel bad seeing you in the depressing state that you're in

He feels sad seeing you overblot, he doesn't want to harm you but he knows the long term effects would be much worse

After your overblot, he amps the comfort up to 11

He would think about it a lot but in the end, he would decide to use a potion to erase your memory

Idia Shroud:

Does not know how to handle the situation at all

Might break down with you

The only form of comfort he would be able to provide for you would be snacks and cuddles

He would be freaking out when you end up overbloting, he's not really all that useful during the whole ordeal

After you return to normal he feels very scared that you might hate him for fighting you and is afraid that you will leave him

He's pretty manipulative and he might gaslight you into caring for him but he also may back off after a while

Malleus Draconia:

He can definitely relate to losing parents so he would be the best at comforting you.

He may also use this as an excuse to lock you up in a tower

Is pretty willing to fight you, I mean he wouldn't enjoy it but thinks of it more of a necessity

Some of the time is spent trying to prevent Sebek from killing you outright

If he hasn't already he would abduct you afterwards

He would actually be quite gentle and comforting, he knows your emotions are still high and wants his future queen/king to be relaxed. And like him

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