▪︎ Chapter 14 ▪︎

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Y/N pov
Remember what Hu tao said a few days before. 4NEMO has a collaboration with DZCK. Not going to lie, I had seen the demo and it sounds sick! Before popping out of the house He
Heizou has asked me to meet in the secret room. "Yo! Y/N!" He shouted when I entered the room. I simply nodded and walked over to his side. "Before setting foot into Cocogoat ENT I'd suggest looking at the team's information… for some reason their team member Childe Ajax had been the hardest to get. He is from Snezhnaya but if your a T-pop idol from Snezhnaya then your information wouldn't be in triple layered Heizou information. Just one glance at Ajax's Photo made me jump "he looks exactly like the Fatui harbinger Tartaglia!" I shouted while I double checked I wasn't mistaken.

Ginger hair, blue eyes and Ed Sheeran features. That's him alright. Why would the eleventh of the Fatui harbinger want to become an idol? "Heizou can you search up when Ajax joined DZCK?" I asked. Heizou had got to work. "He actually joined on its debut… April 22" Heizou replied "I'll start heading down to Cocogoat" Heizou nodded and I began to walk to the building. "Ah! AIKO!" The childish voice I know, Venti. "I'm so excited with this collab! I get to work with that walking dictionary or blockhead." He chuckled out. "Who?" I asked while Venti pointed at a tall man with black hair and a rat tail fading into the color orange. "Venti… it's nice to see you" his voice was so deep. "And stop calling me a blockhead." The tall male took his leave while I looked back at Venti. 

"That was Zhongli… he may look scary and strong at first but he's just a broke man" Venti chuckled "aren't you broke as well." Everything went silent before Venti awkwardly nodded before running into the building. "Yo! You must be their new manager." I turned around to lock eyes with the eleventh of the Fatui harbinger. I just hope he doesn't recognize me. "So how's the group treating you?" He asked I gladly gave him an causal answer making sure I don't let my guard down at all. "I'll take me leave" I calm whispered and walked off. I feel like he is up to something. It's like he wants me to lower my gurad down. 

As I finally reached inside of the 4NEMO’S practice room. My eyes locked with Aether. "Aiko… you're up early" Aether seemed a bit down. The blonde got up and took a sip of water. I had no idea what to say at this point. Is he wandering about his sister. "Aether-" I tried to say something before Aether started to sob quietly. "Hey! Aether what's wrong!" I immediately rushed over to his side trying to calm him down. "Is Lumine ok… she hasn't sent me a letter in a long time.. she always would send a letter. It's been months and nothing…" Aether sobbed out. I wish I could have a say in this. I know Lumine wishes for me to give him that letter but it might mentally crush him even more. I'll wait for the write time. "Your sister is fine…" I lied… "no matter where she is she'd never froget you." Aether had wiped his tears and stood up. "Thank's Aiko…" he slimed while the others came barging in.

"AIKO!!!!" Hu Tao shouted "I'd like you to meet… MY TEAM!" She shouted out while pointing at each member "Redhead is Diluc! Blue head is Kaeya! Ed Sheeran is Ed Sheeran! This tall man is a walking dictionary" she chuckled out while 'Ed Sheeran' completely gasped "I'm not Ed Sheeran! I'm Ajax but I like to be called Childe more" Childe smiled out. The guy from this morning Zhongli calm glared at Hu tao "it's Zhongli… not a walking dictionary Miss Hu."

"Yo. Diluc. You got a saying in this" Kaeya elbowed Diluc'' "I'd rather die in a volcano than deal with all your stupidity…." Diluc turned away in somewhat disgust. I chuckled out before my team came over to me. "Anyways… this is Xiao, Venti, Kazuha, and Aether…" I smiled out while Hu tao chuckled. "Anyways, what would we like to do first? Start learning the lyrics or practicing choreography?" Hu Tao asked. "LYRICS!!!" Venti shouted while Zhongli nodded "it is early in the morning… but choreography is important too… I'd say choreography to get warmed up as well" Zhongli suggested the group nods and Venti sighs. "Choreography it is." I smiled out. "Practice room 304 is the biggest room here let's head over there" the two groups then headed over to the room. But I was behind them the whole time.

"Aiko… can I talk to you for a sec." It's Albedo. I nodded and signalled Hu tao. I walked with Albedo to an empty office to talk. "What's the problem?" I asked while Albedo looked worried. "Fatui had an increase in activity two week ago. The increase started around the same week of Xiao's abduction." He examined "You were the agent that saved him right?" He asked while I nodded "I'm suspecting the Fatui are planning something big. I don't know what it is but I have a feeling that Ajax, Childe you know… might be part of it." I replied, "Keep your eyes on him, Albedo." Albedo nodded and we both left the office. While walking through the halls something hasn't left my mind. Thoma had come back but still he hasn't been acting the same. I'll investigate it at some point.

"Aiko you're back!" Venti shouted as soon as I entered the room. "So what did you and Albedo talk about??" Hu tao skipped over. All eyes were on me now… "we just were talking about an issue." I replied "now let's get to work!" Venti began to jump around the room while Kazuha and Xiao stared at each other. Aether had a conversation with Zhongli and Kaeya. Hu tao annoyed Diluce and Childe. 

Once they had finished up their routine. It was 6:00pm. We all said our goodbyes and went home. On my way back to the apartment. I took notice of my surroundings. I sometimes wish everything can be peaceful. I took a seat on a bench on the sidewalk and rested. A few minutes later. Thoma took a seat beside me. "Aiko! So how are you feeling?" he asked. "Thoma we are alone, you don't have to call me Aiko." I stood up and walked away. Thoma did follow me back into the house. Once we were inside. Ayaka told me to meet Heizou in the backyard. Ayaka then took Thoma with her to the secret room.

I skipped over to the backyard and saw Heizou. "Why did you call me here?" I asked while Heizou handed over the box with the pendent. "You should look carefully." He said. I was beyond confused with the statement. I opened the box to see the pendant resting on the pillow. "I don't get it" I said to Heizou while he stepped closer. He pointed at the pillow. I took out the necklace and saw a tin zipper. "When… what… how!?" I thought out loud. I immediately opened the zipper to see a… key? I then lifted up the pillow and a letter came out.
Dear y/n
It's me, Kazuha. 
Venti and Xiao hid a key in the pillow.
I don't know what it opens but I bet it will be good.
I wanted to write this letter because..
The bottom had been torned off.
 I'll never find out what he wanted to say. "Heizou, did you know this!?" I asked and he shook his head "I saw the box on the desk and inspected it." He chuckled out. 
Before anything else could be said a loud cry emerged from the house. Me and Heizou ran as fast as we could to the location of the sound. It was in the secret room.

"WHAT'S GOING ON!" I shouted. I couldn't believe it. Ayaka was bleeding out from her shoulders as Thoma was shot twice while Gorou apprehended him. Sayu pulled Thoma's hair out revealing Childe. "Heizou tend to Ayaka. I'll deal with this Fatui." I commanded. "Gorou. Knock him out." I shouted. I never felt this angry before. Gorou hesitated so I did it for him. I pushed Gorou off and carried Childe to the basement. For interrogation.
Sayu POV

As Y/N dragged off the tall man… Gorou went to Heizou and Ayaka. He helped bandaged Ayaka up while I walked over to the computer. "Gorou… we have a problem…" I muttered out loud. There was a video of another tall man. With a blindfold chained to a chair. There was a bucket of water in front of him. I hit play and a short purple man grabbed a tall man's hair and began to drown him. When it looked like he was about to die he pulled him out of the water. Gorou was behind me and looked horrified. 

"Let's help Ayaka first… we need to discuss this with Y/N…:

Tysm for 6k read.
I have been quite busy with school and having a fricken psychopath pedo yandere thing after me. Yea! Idk when I last updated this book but ty!

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