▪︎ Protologue ▪︎

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• Your pov •
•Location: Mondstadt •

It was another peaceful day in Mondstadt, everyone was living their own carefree life, but for the orphans here in Springvale's orphanage, it felt just like yesterday with more than two thousand orphans waiting patiently for them to be adopted by a loving family. The majority of people here lost their family, while a quarter of them used to live an abusive lifestyle, but I was different because...

I was abandoned.

At the end of each day, approximately five to ten children find their new home. Days passed by if so even years passed since I waited for the day I got to meet my new family, so far nothing.

As we made our way to the dining hall and sat at our designated tables, everyone slowly looked over Miss Veronica. Miss Veronica is the head of Springvale's orphanage, she can only be found in her office or occasionally in the garden, but to see her here in the dining hall made the room completely silent. As she walks to the front of the room we all realise that she has something to announce, once Miss Veronica finally reached the front she spoke with a stern voice.

"My dear orphans, I have an important announcement, the local school will be allowing six to fourteen-year-olds to attend school there. I understand that for most of you it will be your first time leaving these grounds. that is all for today, please enjoy your meals"

After that everyone's attention was still on Miss Veronica. Once she officially left the dining hall, half of the room started to cheer while the others just sighed and ate their dinner.

Once everyone finished their dinners and got ready for bed. I waited for the lights to be completely out, in a small scurry I got my flashlight out

"Psst... Y/N" as I looked over to my left I saw my closest friend, Nana. A six-year-old girl who strives on curiosity, "what are you planning to do, you never use your flashlight, what's up?" Nana was still curious as ever

"I wanted to go out onto the rooftop, just wanted to catch some fresh cold air" Nana's eyes started to sparkle.

"Oh! Oh! Can I come with you please Y/N" no one in this orphanage could ever deny Nana's puppy eyes. I sighed and accepted her request. Nana put on her fluffy socks while I put on my white socks, we both slowly crept through the halls and up the ladder.

We made it safely up to the roof, we both felt like we were on top of the world as we both stared at the stars above, the sight of the stars shining across the night sky simply felt calming.

"Look! A shooting star, quick Y/N let's make a wish" Nana closes her eyes. Deep in your heart, you wished for a family that will last forever or for eternity. "Y/N, What did you wish for?" I responded with

"Nana you know me, I've always wished for a family" Nana smiles and looks back up to the stars

"Well, I wished for us to be the bestest of friends no matter what" Nana looks at me with sparkles in her eyes, "pinky promise?" I of course nodded.

▪︎First day of school▪︎

As the morning sun shined down on my eyes, the first thing I could think about was school. I could hear Nana shouting "the first day! First day! Yay!" I let out a small chuckle, I was older than Nana just by a year making me seven and Nana six. The whole orphanage has been busy as half of the place was filled with kids getting ready for school, I made sure my hair wasn't a gigantic fluffy bird nest then dashed straight into the kitchen for a slice of toast. Miss Veronica gathered most of us to the front, she had to make sure everyone was there and no mischievous kids that are under or over the age six to fourteen are in the giant clump of children

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