▪︎ non relevant story ▪︎

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Sooooo I'm currently still writing chapter 12. BUT! Me and my friend ghostleeinfall played Ai dungeon and we made this beautiful story!

Andrea - me (that's my middle name haha)

Kei- ghostleeinfall

Akari- childhood bestie

A group of friends are exploring an abandoned mansion. As they enter they notice the faint smell of a fire burning, and sheet covered furniture litters the dusty floor. They make their way through the mansion and hear the sound of footsteps on creeky stairs. Just then the doors to the room slam shut. They try not to panic as they hear the sound of the footsteps get nearer.

The next thing they know, a woman in a dark hooded cloak is standing in the center of their group.

> Andrea says "Cheese is scary"
"Oh, OK. Thanks for coming at such short notice." The woman says, grabbing her and pointing to a different part of the room.

> kei looks at where shes pointing.
The group follows the woman and find themselves in another hallway. There is a row of closed doors on either side.

The woman stops at a door on the right, opens it, and motions the group inside.

> Andrea looks at painting.
Inside the room is a single bare light bulb that hangs from the ceiling. Most of the floor and walls are covered with a dark blue carpet. In the middle of the room is a three-legged brown chair.

> Akari sits on the chair.
On the chair is a box of chocolates.
"Would you like some candy?" The woman asks, and hands the box of chocolates to Akari.

> Andrea says "Oh hell nah"
"Oh, OK. Thanks," says Andrea, and takes a chocolate, unwraps it, and takes a bite. "Mmmm, chocolate."

> Andrea poops.
"Oh. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to... I just never eat these things."
This causes the group to laugh.
"Lets get down to it," says the woman.

> Akari stabs woman.

> kei says "Down to what now?"
A bloody hole is seen in the woman's neck. She falls to the floor, but her killer continues to stab and slash at the woman's face and neck.The woman responds by taking out a small knife and stabbing Akari in the neck.
Blood squirts out of her neck and splatters all over the carpet and walls.

> Andrea says "Yay ketchup "

> kei says "Rip that old lady ayy"
The woman struggles to speak, but still manages to say, "No ketchup."
Then, the woman passes out.

The group stands in silence, unsure of what to do or say."Rip that old lady ayy!"

The woman's body is slashed and stabbed so many times that it is impossible for anyone to survive such a vicious assault.
A ghost comes out of nowhere and begins to choke the woman until she is dead.

"I guess we should go now," says kei, and she grabs her hand.

> Andrea is sleepy.
"It's been...a long day..."
Andrea closes her eyes and leans against the wall, sleeping within seconds.

> Andrea says "AYYYYY"
Andrea opens her eyes.
"Awww, why'd you make me do that? You know how much I hate being embarrassed."

> kei says "Are we dreaming or hallucinating"
"We are not dreaming or hallucinating. I would know because I have never, ever had a hallucination. Also, the woman's dead."
"I saw her move."

> Akari says "everythings tRippyYyYY.

> kei says "If shes dead then how the heck did she move"
"Shut up, or I'll cut your skin off."
"But shes dead."
"I saw her move.""You saw what?"
"I saw her move."
"You must've seen her blink."
"Then how do you know shes dead?"
Xiao appears randomly  in the room and screams, "She's dead! She's dead!"
Andrea turns toward the hallway."Is that a window?"she asks."Yes."And the sun is out.

> kei says "Who tf called his name?!"

> Andrea says "BAHAHAHAHHA"
"I did."
"Who's 'I'?"
"I is me. You know me."
"No, I don't.""Yeah. You can always tell when he's around."
"Shut up."
"I'm just saying, that's how we can tell when he's around. He's a sunbeam."

> Akari removes xiao.
"HEY! Who summoned you two?"
"I did."
"I did.""Fine, I'll take him away."
Xiao T poses  no danger to anyone until she is physically removed from the body.

Andrea and kei run to the window to see if it is still daytime.
It is still daytime.
Kazuha appears  near a broken window, and points his sword at the two girls."What are you doing?"he shouts, and the girls both point their weapons at him."I was trying to see if it was daytime outside."

> Andrea seduces Kazuha.
"No, you weren't. You were trying to seduce me. Now let's get down to it."
Kazuha is distracted and she stabs him in the chest.

> Akari dies.

Kazuha runs over to Akari, who is laying on the floor. She stabs him in the chest with the hilt of her sword.

> kei says "So... What now?"

> Andrea says "Dramaticcc "
"Now we bury her."
"We? I didn't summon her."
"Yeah, my bad. Sorry."
Kazuha throws a dagger at kei's head.Andrea points her sword at Kazuha, pulling his own blade."You killed your own sister. Prepare to die."

> Andrea twerks.
Andrea twerks as she charges him. She smashes her sword into Kazuha's chest.
Kazuha falls to the ground dead.

> kei says "KAZUHA NOOO"
"Kazuha NOOOO!"
"You killed him!"
"I did."
"And now he's dead. I wish Meg was here to see this."
"I do too."

> Akari tears.

Sighing, Akari pulls out the dagger and stabs it into her own chest.
Her dagger, a gift from Megumi, pierces her heart.
Chongyun walks past Akari, staring at her dead body.
Megumi walks over to her.
"I'm sorry, little one."
"Don't be. I killed her."

> Andrea says "I have the power of God and anime on my side"
"And me."
"And me. We can do anything."
Megumi places her hands on her head."You have my blood, do you not?""We do."Megumi drops to her knees.

> Andrea says "Can I just go on a killing spree"
"Sure. I'll give you some weapons."
"Can I choose my weapon?"
"Of course."
Megumi hands a wicked looking sword to Andrea.
"Now go forth and kill."
Andrea kills everyone the end of the hallway, and when she comes across a wounded guard, she cuts off his hand and puts it in her pocket.
She approaches the next guard, and he sees her approach.
The end.

hank you for watching(reading) my Ted talk

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