Chapter 23 "don't be afraid."

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"What do you mean she's unavailable?" Severus shouts at the guard at the entrance of the Ministry.

"She is in holding until her trial." The guard responds.

"Her trial!?"

"Sir, if you do not leave, we'll have you removed by force."

"You cannot keep her here. She has committed no crime!"

"That will be determined in three days. Now leave!" Six guards corner him with more on the way. He grips his wand in his hand tighter and tighter to the point of his nails digging into his palm and knuckles turning white. He quickly considers if he could take all of them, but his presence has seemed to alert more guards to come and he has no idea where they're keeping you. It kills him, but he must leave now. He needs to talk to Dumbledore.

He walks out of the building, his heart pounding and aching in his chest. He heads back to Hogwarts at full speed and bursts through Dumbledore's office chambers, unannounced.

"Ah, Severus. Have you brought Miss [l/n] back safely?"

"They're keeping her there." Severus rushes to say in a deadly serious tone.


"She has a trial in three days."

"A trial!? What in Merlin's name for?"

"They wouldn't let me see her, Albus. I think something is utterly wrong."

Dumbledore stands from behind his desk.

"I will get to the bottom of this. In the meantime, you contact her mother and let her know what's happening."

"We don't know what's happening, sir!" Severus exclaims, a panicked look on his face.

"Severus. Now is not the time to lose our calm. We will figure this out."

Severus runs back to his office and sends a letter to your mother, aware that she is to arrive for her visit in three days' time. He leaves out specifics, not knowing them himself. It's killing him. He thought you would be okay, that the Ministry wouldn't stoop this low. That you'd fulfil your duty to report and he'd have you back before dinner time. He could've never imagined this to happen.

You wake up in the holding cell, back achy from the hard cot. You sit up and rub the sleep from your eyes. You stand and walk over to the door. You bang on it.

"Hello!" You shout. "Is somebody there?"

There's no response. You're not even sure what time it is. The room has no windows. You look around, panic ensuing in your chest.

"HELLO!" You bang at the door harder. "Why am I being kept here!?" You shout. You see a guard pass in the halls through the slit in your door.

"Sir! Sir! Please. What's going on!?"

He ignores you and just walks away.

You kick at the door, banging as loud as you can, trying to make a commotion. It's no use. No one even comes to shut you up. Almost as if they want to tire you out.

You slump back to the cot, utterly confused and defeated. You shake with anxiety and fear starts to creep up on you. You may even have a panic attack right here and now.

"Don't be afraid."

Snape's words ring through your head. You never thought you'd see a day where you'd give anything to see someone familiar, even your mean Potion's Professor.

You hug your knees into your chest, scared and worried you'll be trapped here forever. You stand and walk past the sink with a small mirror attached, noticing a streak of dried blood on your face from last night. You wash it off in the sink, trying to understand why they're keeping you here. What it is they want. You wonder if Professor Snape or Dumbledore is asking for you. If they're wondering the same thing.

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