Chapter 17 "Yule"

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The yule ball has finally arrived, and spirits are high once again. Warm scents of chestnuts and pine perfume the air as a joyful energy buzzes throughout Hogwarts. You love the holiday season. You wake up that late morning feeling especially great and rested from sleeping in. Shortly after you wake, Nadine busts through your door with a frantic look on her face.

"What are you doing still in bed!? We have to start getting ready like right now!" She demands, slightly panicking.

"Nadine, the ball isn't until tonight." You chuckle.

"How are you so calm about this!? Perfection mustn't be rushed" She exclaims, pacing nervously around the room.

"Cuz I don't have a date to impress." You grin and tease her. "I'm a free woman." You sigh blissfully.

Nadine mocks you and rolls her eyes. "You think Jackson will like my dress?" She asks. Jackson is a 6th year Ravenclaw in Nadine's History of Magic class. You've only met him once in passing, but he seems nice and he's pretty cute.

"I think he'll like you in the dress." You reassure.

"Right, right. Okay" She tries to calm down.

"And I'm really good at styling hair." You add.

Nadine squeals with excitement. You've never seen her like this. She's usually quite the tomboy, but now that she has a date to the ball, her girly side coming out and you are so here for it. Linden pops in the room.

"Oh. I thought I heard a pig squeal in here... my bad." He says seriously, teasing his sister.

Nadine throws your pillow at him. You look down at Linden's feet. He's wearing 4-inch pink stilettos in his pajamas.

"Wow! Nice heels!" You say, admiring the pretty pink color.

"Yeah, he's breaking them in for me." She rolls her eyes.

"Get out! Girl's only." She shouts at Linden.

"Ugh, gender's a construct, babe." He says before flipping his imaginary long hair and strutting out of the room.

"Fucking drama queen." She rolls her eyes after he leaves.

You laugh and convince Nadine to stop worrying and to head down to lunch.

"You're not coming with?" she asks with a pout.

"I'm feeling really good for a walk today. I'll meet up with you after and we'll get ready together!" You smile.

You put on your white boots and warm joggers, then you throw on your dark green beanie before heading outside. It's the greatest your body has felt in weeks. That blue elixir that Snape gives you seems to be kicking into gear. He only gives it to you once a week and still won't share the recipe, worried that you'll replicate it and get addicted, but it doesn't seem to have that effect on you. Once its immediate effects wear off, you just feel rested, not like you need more the next day. You're grateful you told him the truth that day. He really is your truest friend.

You take a walk up the stairs and down the hall towards the outside walls of the castle. You wish you could go see the lake tree, but it's too far and you think Nadine is going to blow her top if you're not there after lunch to help her get ready. The cold air energizes you and clears your mind. You feel good when you're out in nature, even when it's a cold December day like today.

Christmas is in 10 days and you've been working on your present for Severus since finals were over. You don't think that you could buy anything that could convey your love and appreciation for him, so you've decided to draw him a portrait instead. You're not the best artist, but you're not too shabby at it either. Since you don't have a reference photo, you've been drawing from memory and it's tougher than you thought, being a bit out of practice, but you think it'll be perfect by the time Christmas rolls around. Every time you see him or pass by him, you try to lock another part of his face in your memory. It seems he gets more and more handsome every time.

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