Chapter 9 "Unrequited"

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You're on your way from Transfigurations to Defense Against the Dark Arts. You like the subject, but Professor Quirrell is a total creep, and you don't think that lightly. He's just incredibly odd, and his weird demeanor sends chills down your spine, almost like he's the darkness you have to defend yourself from. He hasn't done or said anything mean or negative to you, so if anyone asked you why you didn't like him, you couldn't explain yourself. But he trips off alarms only your sixth sense could detect, and you dread the class for it.

Snape would make a better DADA professor. The thought lovingly grazes your mind as you walk down the hall. It's like your thought summons him as you stop just short of bumping into him as you turn the corner.

"[l/n]. You do know that in this country we walk and drive on the left side." He says, flatly and unamused.

"Apologies, my silly American brain can't comprehend that." You smirk.

"Where are you headed to?" He asks, looking down at you from his impeccable height.

"Dark Arts." You reply, sighing.

"Very well, then." He starts to walk off.

"Wait. Umm Professor?" You turn his way. He turns back to you. "Should we, maybe... talk?" you say hesitantly.

"What about?" He stares down at you.

"You know... last Friday?" you brace yourself.

"Ah, the dangers and consequences of alcohol. No, I think you've learned you lesson well enough." He grins.

"Oh... okay then." You say, dejected. You turn to walk away, a sadness coming over you.

"Don't worry, [l/n]. I won't hold anything you said while under the influence against you." He declares.

"Against me?" you reply, puzzled.

"We can pretend it never happened." He reiterates.

You pause as you look to the floor, deflated by his words. "If that's what you'd prefer." You say.

Snape's brow furrows. "It's not about what I prefer. It's about what must be done." He clarifies, obviously talking about something other than the alcohol now.

"And what is that, Professor?" You sternly question, frustration bubbling in you now.

He watches your eyes and walks towards you. His volume lowers. "It means that can never happen again." He scolds.

"What? When we almost ki—" Snape's eyes get big. He puts a finger to your mouth, cutting you off, before he looks around, grabs your arm and pulls you into a side supply closet.

Once inside, you back away from him, annoyed. You glare at him.

"That's enough, [l/n]. You have overstepped my boundaries long enough and I was wrong to allow it." He scolds.

"Boundaries?" You ask, puzzled. "I just wanted to talk about what happened."

"What? Did you want a harsher punishment, [l/n]? Because if you ask me, I was mistakenly lenient on you. Students have been suspended for drinking on campus." He remarks sternly.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful—"

"If this is about your pathetic crush on me, [l/n], there is nothing to talk about." He spits. The words sting you as you're taken aback.

He scoffs. "What is it you're expecting? That we would have a secret relationship? Date?" He chuckles at the ridiculous thought, scoffing again in a belittling tone. "You really think I would ever stoop that low?"

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