Chapter 22 "The Third Degree"

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Severus carries you to your room, laying you gently down on your bed and covering your sleeping body with a blanket. He sits next to you on the bed, tired and drained. He spent about half a day carefully flipping through your memories, editing and bending moments at will, making sure it all made sense. Making sure to preserve as much happiness as he could. You deserved that much. He probably could have finished in half the time, but he found himself reliving your memories, playing certain ones over and over again. The ability to see them from your perspective felt like a true privilege only he would ever know. The way you watched him that first day in class, nervously intimidated by him, but also fascinated and envious of his skill. The moment you first became friends, that day in his office after he caught you before slipping on the ice; the feeling in your heart as you watched him light the fireplace. The utter devastation you felt the day he pulled you into the supply closet and told you your love was burdensome, like your soul was crushed into powder; reliving that made him cringe in shame. The time you spent in the hospital, trying immensely hard to hate him only to forgive him and love him again just at the sight of him in front of you. The truth you spilled to him about your struggles, your addictions and unhealthy thought patterns. The golden light you became at the Yule ball, only ever searching for him and longing to dance with him even after his outburst. The first hug he gave you in his office. The first kiss you shared in the courtyard. Your dreams of him, your fantasies, your respect and unwavering loyalty. Your ability to see him the way no one ever has. His doubt about you fades into non-existence. His accusations of you only wanting him because he's your professor, because he's an older man and it excites a part of you; moot.

He is sure no one has ever seen him like you have. Loved him like you have. And now, no one ever will.

You are to be taken to the Ministry first thing in the morning where they are not likely to be as gentle with your mind as he was. A pit of anger and sorrow builds up inside of him. He knows something is not right with this whole situation, but he's unable to articulate it.

The next morning, you ride next to him in deafening silence as the car soars through the sky. Your face is stricken flat, body turned towards your window. It's awkward riding with your potion's professor. You're not sure why he of all people is escorting you to the Ministry.

"Will I also be picked up by you?" You gather the courage to ask.

Severus straightens and clears this throat. "Yes, that's the plan."

You shortly descend from the clouds and land outside of the Ministry building. The building looks grand, ancient and historical. All sorts of serious figures make their way in and out of the glass stained doors. You stare up at the etchings and carvings that line the molding of the giant columns before you.

"Well... Thanks for the ride, Professor Snape." You say, a disconnected professionalism in your voice.

Severus nods, his face hardened. He knew this wouldn't be easy, witnessing your expression towards him that lacked any warmth or love. He watches you as you turn and make your way into the building.

"[l/n]." He calls after you. You turn around. "Don't be afraid." He says, his heart begging him not to let you go.

You softly smile and nod politely before turning again and going inside.

Severus gets back into the car. Suddenly, a sharp pain erupts in his chest. He gasps at the sensation, gripping at his heart. After a few seconds it subsides, allowing him to start the car and return back to Hogwarts. This is the second time this has happened.

You walk into the building, a tall and grand ceiling towers above you. Almost instantly, you are met with two guards who ask you for your name. It's like they've been expecting you. You follow them down what seems like a long maze of corridors. You gulp nervously, anxiety building in every step. They show you to a holding room, a small table with a chair in the corner.

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