Gawking Temptaions and Vulgarity

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Nigel rubbed his jaw, the stubble growing. He entered the small crabby cafe. It was late. Really late. But he had to meet Vicky. His weed dealer. His stash was over and he needed a refill now. Summer was just starting and he felt he could die right about now. He wanted to go back to the States. He hated it here. His boarding school life was secluded and he had the right amount attention with weed, friends and girls. He liked smoking. He liked passing a joint with his temporary friends who hung with him because he was rich. The girls were...messy. He knew he was attractive and it helped him get it on with but it still somehow never satisfied him.

He spotted Vicky soon enough. His white shiny cap glowed in the dull cafe. Nodding his greeting, Nigel slid onto the seat in front of Vicky.

"Did you bring it?" Vicky wasn't a talker but he gave Nigel a sharp nod and slid the pouch across the table to him. Weighing the pouch, he handed him the bills. The exchange was clear and no nonsense. Vicky stood and left. Nigel eyed the pouch, opening the string and checking its content. Smelled good and heavenly. He couldn't wait to roll one out.

As Nigel was about to leave, he saw a flash of ponytail. His teeth gritted. He walked faster, pushing the cafe door open to see a tiny familiar figure jogging away from him. He shoved the pouch into his pocket.

He sped after and grinned when she looked back, her pale brown eyes widening in fear.

"Wynter." He growled her name in rage. He ran faster, pushing himself to catch her by her ponytail. She was quick though. It's not a surprise she was in track but he too delved in sports too. He used to play soccer in the States. He had the leg muscle for it but somehow he wanted to make this long. Long and hard for him.

She didn't stop. She kept running. Away from him. Until he pushed and reached out, grabbing her ponytail. Her shriek shouldn't delight him but it did. He yanked her head back, exposing her sweaty neck. The little trails of sweat pouring down into her little sports tank top. Her thighs glowed. She wore tiny running shorts that could show her round ass cheeks.

When his eyes returned to her, she was savagely trying to get away from him. Her tiny fists caught his own black t-shirt. Her nails digging into the flesh through the fabric of his t-shirt. He loved it. He loved it when she was trying to get away from him.

"Let me go!" She huffed, her nostrils flaring. The lamp post overhead them shone her pale brown eyes and he looked closely, he saw the golden hue centering around her pupils. It was pretty. She was pretty.

"Your eyes...they are.." His sentence trailed off and she narrowed her gaze to him, forgetting her struggle to get out of his hold.

"Yeah, it's ugly. I know." She grumbled. Nigel couldn't help but smirk at her little adorable scrunched up face. Upon seeing his smirk, she realized she wanted to get away. Her fight began, pushing him away. Swatting his chest like as if there mosquitos residing on him.

"Nigel. Let me go now or else I'll tell Riley and mom that you buy weed. I saw!" Her threat curled like fire.

"Oh really? Blackmailing me?" His voice dropped ten degrees. She saw the fear flashing in her golden gaze and he reveled in it. He wrapped his hands around her elbows, bringing her to him. Their noses almost touching.

In the middle of the road, where crickets made a humming noise. No car nearby. The lamp shade glowed. The sky too dark. They stood there, bodies crushing against each other.

"What? Nothing to say?" He mocked her. Knowing her ire, she spat on his face. The spit hit him in the corner of his left eye. He grounded his teeth. The muscle in his forehead was probably throbbing.

He wrapped his arm around her, letting her breasts crush against his abdomen. She was short but it helped him to hold her. Tighter.

His other free hand looped her jaw, fingers prying open her mouth. She struggled but she didn't resist when his thump slipped it. He leaned in, her eyes widening.

He spat back into her mouth. Shoving it close, he whispered dangerously. "See how you like that."

Nigel felt her fists shaking against her chest. It was crushed between their bodies. The heat from her was so warm and weak. She was weak. She didn't know how much of a weakling she is.

Yet she took it in her stride, gulping the spit he threw. Her face stoic and her eyes glazed. "I hate you."

He snorted. "Not like I love you."

He didn't let her go though. Her body was soft and thrumming with nervous energy. The spot in the corner of his left eye was still warm with her spit. He liked the reminder.
"Rub it off." He pointed at the spot.

She shook her head.

He growled. "Do it now."

Wynter stilled. Then slowly, her hand reached up from between them and just as he thought she would do what he says, she smacked him, hitting his nose which made his vision hazy.

He let go, holding his nose between his fingers and Wynter swept away and ran as fast as she could from him. He reached down to shove his hands into his pocket when he saw they were empty. Fucking hell!

She stole his weed.

He watched her trotting back. She didn't even know what she had done. The anger at him was pointless because his anger matched hers and more. She doesn't know how much it pained him to see Riley treat her like his child. Seeing them as a family just was another nail to his coffin. But he would emerge. Very soon.

He walked back home. Thinking about it hard and long. It's all he does. It's thinking. He does it so well. He is a thinker. His brain was his best friend. His heart not so much. He didn't care about that hooting thing. All he cared about is thinking and understanding what was logical to him. He needed to find a way to cut her off. Her and her mom. They don't belong here. In the mansion. In their lavishness. With his father. And his father. Gosh, he hated the man. He was so sure he killed his mother. By pushing her off the stairs. By being blind by the hatred and the jealousy.

He swore he would take revenge. On behalf of his mother. On behalf of all the pain. It was only logical.

When he reached home, he saw cop cars all over. Something shifted in his chest. He knew something had gone wrong.

When he entered the mansion, he saw his uncle. The cops were everywhere. Few looked at him with pity. Hunched over a chair, his uncle Reggie looked almost like he was crying. When his head turned, meeting Nigel's gaze, it shone with fresh tears.

"Nigel. Come here. Something's happened." His voice soft and full of remorse.

The tightening in his chest made Nigel shift. Something terrible has happened. He walked to his uncle, who immediately grabbed him and hugged him. His hand going up to his head. Soothing his strands. "Nigel. Your dad and stepmother-there's been an accident...they died."

Nigel stilled.

He wasn't even breathing. All he kept hearing was they died. They died. They died. In a loop.

Reggie pulled back when they both heard shuffling at the door. They looked over and saw Wynter, her eyes bowed in a curious way. She knew something was wrong too.

When she saw Reggie, her eyes shuttered. She knew. She had to. Reggie strode to her, even though she kept backing away and her head shaking from side to side. Her mouth mumbling no. Reggie's chest shook with sobs and he caught her into an enveloped hug.


Then, her piercing sob crushed the air around. It was a wail in the haunting mansion. It was the only thing he remembered.

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