Turning Flaws and Rhythms

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Last day before Summer

It was almost over. School was almost over. Wynter watched the clock. In ten more minutes, it will strike three and she would get to go and have a sleepover with Parker. They made up after that night and she promised him a movie night at his place. Finally, some alone time.  Her pencil tapped the wooden desk. Almost. Four minutes.

A paper ball hit the side of her face and she looked up to find Nigel glaring at her. This week had been miserable.

Not only did her mother made them go to school together, they have breakfast together as well. As a family. Tonight her mom is forcing her to have a family dinner. Like the whole shebang! It was ruining her life! She needed an excuse to be let off the hook. Besides, she needed to be away from Nigel.

Because Nigel was a rude motherfucker who seemed to seek pleasure in bullying her in tiny little ways. Not to mention how he has the whole world fooled by his fake kindness crap, his real self pops up only whenever she was around and alone. Which was constantly. He trips her, always shoves her by the shoulder as they pass, he started to use her treehouse as a smoking joint since he can't be caught smoking in the house because it would spoil his precious rep as he calls it.

She opened the paper ball to words saying: Get me out of tonight's dinner or else I will tell the entire school about your thirsty lust for Parker.

Wynter was beyond mortified. She was being blackmailed. She hated feeling out of control but she could not do anything about it. She bit her lip and nodded at Nigel, who glared even more but turned away.

The bell finally rang and everyone cheered. Great, she did not feel like cheering. A arm wrapped around her as she walked out of class into the hallway. "Ready for horror movie night? I am torn between Hannibal and Nightmare on Elm Street. So I choose double feature with all the junk we can eat." Parker's mint breath hit her face, smiling at her like she was his serenity. Before she could reply back, Frances stopped in front of them.

"Can I talk to you, Wynter?" Wynter gazed at Parker who looked equally confused. "I'll see you later, then?" Parker nodded, squeezing her hand before walking away.

Frances beckoned her to follow her into a quiet corner where no one was looking. She blurted out a series of words. "Look its not your fault that you aren't interested in me. But I do want to be friends. I promise not to like kiss you all of a sudden. I just-I know we can be just friends and I would like to make it right with us." Frances breathed in deep as if she just ran a race.

Wynter offered a small smile and chuckled. "I would love that." They exchanged phone numbers and promised to meet during the summer. Wynter left school feeling much better. Good ending to a Spring term.

She was thinking of texting Parker as she skipped along the pavement when her smile dropped. Someone was following her. She peeked behind only to turn forward quickly. Nigel.

She quickened her pace, her soles hitting small stones. "Why are you running from me, Wynter? Am I that scary?" She bit her tongue to not talk back. However, she kept her back to him even as he crept close behind.

"Are you ignoring me?" She fisted her hands and quickly replied, "No, I am not. Just thinking of an excuse for us not to be there at dinner tonight."

"What do you mean by 'us'?" He air quoted the us. She tried not to roll her eyes at his rude intrusiveness. "Well, I will be hanging out with someone so-"

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