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Recoome starts to walk towards Vegeta.

Recoome: Ok dude... Now it's your turn!

Vegeta: Hmph...

Recoome: An' if your three babies want to help, let 'em rip! Use all the dirty tricks you want, dudelets!

Jeice: Whoa! Don't you kill the midgets, bro! They're ours!

Krillin: H-hey... Are they... Making fun of us!

Recoome starts to pose.


Vegeta started to scream and power up, causing the scouters to beep crazy.

Recoome: Whuh?

Jeice: Vegeta's power level is at 20,000... And still rising!

Burter: I-impossible!

Vegeta rushed Recoome and punched him the face, sending him flying. He followed up his attack by flying behind him  and hitting him with an axe handle. Recoome's body bounded on the floor, but Vegeta wasn't finished. He grabbed Recoomes leg and threw him into a boulder. To end him, Vegeta hit him with a Galick Gun.

Krillin: GET DOWN!


Vegeta put more power into the ki blast, making it larger. Vegeta panted heavily after the dust settled.

Krillin: H-he did it!

Gohan: Wow... H-he settled that in one blow...

Krillin: You have to admire that stinkin' evil creep...!

However, the group felt a ki signature.

(Y/n): Damn it! He's still alive!

Krillin: H-he couldn't... Possibly...

Through the dust and smoke a silhouette could be seen, and then out came Recoome.

Recoome: Yo!

Gohan: H-he isn't... Even wounded!

Recoome: That's enough warm up for me! Now let's really get started!

Jeice: Exhibitionist! Now we're all dusty!


Recoome flew towards Vegeta and kicked him, sending him flying. Vegeta quickly recovered and the two started to exchange blows. Recoome brought his hand down but Vegeta was able to swiftly dodge the attack. Vegeta tried to gain distance between him and Recoome, but Recoome gave chase. While Recoome followed him Vegeta turned and shot a ki blast at him.

Recoome: OOP! SPEED UP!

Recoome caught Vegeta by surprise by appearing behind him with blinding speed. He kicked Vegeta down to the water. Vegeta flys back at him but gets grabbed. Recoome plants him inside the ground.

Recoome: Dude! You ok!?

Recoome pulls him out, like a weed, by one leg.

Recoome: You didn't, like, die already did ya?

Vegeta capitalizes on this small opportunity and blasts Recoome point blank and he falls. Vegeta panted heavily, looking worse for wear.

Gohan: H-he did it...?

(Y/n): I think he... No...!

Recoome kicks up.

Recoome: Aw-RIIIGHT! Yeah! That's what I want!

Jeice: Heh heh heh.

Burter: Such a narcissist.

Recoome: Don't you have anything with a little more "oomph?" Or do I have to, you know, like, just kill you? You know?

Prodigal Son (Dragon Ball Z x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now