Ginyu Force

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Bulma: Krillin! I put the house back into its capsule! Isn't Gohan here yet!?

Krillin: St-Still no sign of him...! Man, I hope he didn't get caught by Vegeta...! If he did... I'll bet Vegeta's going to be coming back for us! We can't just wait around here for him! We gotta go!

(Y/n): Wait! Someone is coming...

In the distance, Krillin and (y/n) saw a flash.

Gohan: Krillin!

Krillin: There he is!

Gohan flew towards them with the 4 Star Dragon Ball.

Gohan: Krillin, look! I got it!

Krillin: Hoo-Hoo! You got it!

Bulma: Good job, Gohan!

Krillin: Look... I'll explain later. But we gotta get out of here... Fast!

Gohan: I know! I know! Vegeta found me too!

Krillin: Huh!?

Gohan: But I hid the Dragon Ball! And he didn't catch on!

Krillin: Are we lucky today or what!?

Bulma: Let's talk about it later!

(Y/n): I agree. We are losing time.

Gohan: Who are you!?

They stood face to face, (y/n) was taller than Gohan.

(Y/n): As the blue one said, we can talk later. Eventually Vegeta would see through your lies. We must hurry.

Gohan nodded and the group went off to find a place to hide. They hid on an island where the was a crevice.

Gohan: H-Here...! He won't be able to find us here!

Bulma: Hey! We can't put up house in a cramped place like this!

Krillin: What are we supposed to do!? You think perfect caves grow on trees!?

Bulma: I'm supposed to live with you guys... In a place like this... With no bathrooms... Until Goku gets here!?

Krillin: Oh, don't worry about that! I'm gonna take Gohan back to the Great Elder's place now!

Gohan: Huh? Wh-why?

Bulma: What!? You're gonna leave me all alone here!?

(Y/n): I'll stay with you.

Krillin: It'll just be for a little while... And when Gohan sees the Great Elder, there's a possibility he could become as powerful as Vegeta!

Bulma went towards (y/n) and ruffled his hair.

Bulma: At least one of you cares about a lady.

When Krillin and Gohan went off to Guru's place. Bulma pulled out a small table, chair, and a tray of food.

Bulma: Do you want some?

(Y/n): No thank you.

Bulma: So... What's someone like you doing on this planet?

(Y/n): Hm?

Bulma: I mean you look human... But there's no humans on this planet.

(Y/n): I'm not human... I'm...

(Y/n) stopped himself. Bulma looked interested in what he had to say. She reminded him of his mother... She radiated a warm feeling in (y/n). He felt like he could trust her.

(Y/n): I'm Half-Saiyan.

Bulma: What!? So you're like Gohan! But I thought there weren't many Saiyans left? Is there another one here!?

Prodigal Son (Dragon Ball Z x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now