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─ Smiley, are you crazy? Didn't you see what happened while Angry was there? Besides, it's you two, it's suicide. ─ Mitsuya interjected at Nahoya's words.

Still, the Kawata with that characteristic grin of his was patting the boy's shoulder. ─ You don't have to worry about that Mitsuya, besides Angry and I are still in fighting shape; the ex-captain and ex-vice-captain of the ToMan's fourth division are back in action momentarily. ─ He chuckled at that, quite convinced with his argument.

Mitsuya wasn't going to stop him; Nahoya was and always had been too reckless with such things. Souya was surprised by such a willingness from his older brother, but since he had his full support there was nothing else to do; they would both go after the Haitani.

─ You two are crazy but, well, I think you'll need some help so if you need a hand you know you can call us, right Mitsuya-san? ─ added Hakkai, who stood up from his seat and put his hands on his waist.

─ Hakkai is definitely right; I'm sure we both still know how to kick ass. ─ A smile broke out on Mitsuya's face as he gave a gentle nod.

The twins were more than grateful for the support the two were willing to offer, and would no doubt take them at their word. Souya rose to stand beside his brother. Thanking both Hakkai and Mitsuya, they calmly made their way out of the place.

Souya didn't have his bike at the moment so he climbed up behind his brother as his helmet was placed as well. ─ By the way Angry, I guess Rindō gave you his number or something, you should try calling him. ─ Nahoya argued, starting the motorbike.

Souya while holding onto his brother also pulled out his mobile phone, looking for the youngest Haitani's number. Once he found it he pressed the call button, holding it to his ear and waiting for an answer. The incoming call beep followed, a few seconds passed but no one answered.

Once again Souya tried calling him in the hope that he would answer but, nothing, not a single answer. He frowned and turned to his brother who was driving straight home. ─ He's not answering, we need to know another way if he's alright. ─

Nahoya pondered for a moment, thinking about how to get Rindō's whereabouts, Souya too was turning his mind over in search of a solution. In a flash, Souya's face lit up; he had found an alternative.

─ Smiley, we'll go to Roppongi. Rindō took me to a place that Sanzu was attending, and I'm sure he knows what's going on and where Rindō might be. ─ That sounded logical to the older Kawata, but nevertheless he interrupted.

─ First, let's go get your bike, if we're going to go straight to the lion's den we're going to need another motorbike. ─

Souya nodded to the condition, following Nahoya's lead. Once home, Souya quickly went up to the flat, grabbing the keys and his helmet so he could start his journey to Roppongi.

─ Take the lead Angry, you know where to go! ─ Nahoya exclaimed, and Souya nodded, stepping in front of his brother and taking the route that the blue-haired man still remembered.

Along the way Nahoya seemed quite animated with the atmosphere of the area, even though they weren't exactly going for a ride. Since travelling by motorbike was easier and faster than by car, the ride took half the time it had once taken Rindō and Souya, and they were there in thirty minutes.

The blue-haired man caught sight of the huge shopping mall, stopping at the side of it. Nahoya took a look at the huge place and, while removing his helmet, spoke to his brother.

─ Rindō is crazy, or you made him crazy. Even a year's savings wouldn't be enough to buy Angry here. ─ At his comment Souya let out a grunt, as he moved to form up and walked towards the entrance.

─ Shut up Smiley, don't say such silly things. ─ Souya entered but, just as he entered the place, he stopped at the sight; a hundred people were pointing various weapons at them, to which Nahoya and Souya just raised both hands out of mere instinct.

─ What a nice welcome. ─ Nahoya muttered to herself.

─ Hey, put them down, I know them. ─ It sounded from behind the huge wall that the men were making, making the pair of twins feel more than relieved. They both recognised the voice but, to be sure, they looked to see where it came from.

Sanzu, who had part of his suit stained with blood and was just finishing bandaging his mangled knuckles, stepped out. ─ I didn't think you'd come, Angry, let alone that Smiley would get involved in this too. ─

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