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Sunlight streamed through the Kawata's window. A groan was heard coming from himself as his hand settled on his head and his nose wrinkled; he had a terrible headache. He sat up in bed looking around until he realised one thing: he was not in his room. The room he was in was huge, the bed much bigger than he had imagined. The window was the size of the wall and he could smell a certain sweet scent in the air.

He looked down at himself and he was wearing blue pyjamas that he had never seen in his life before and he even made a point of checking himself for any sign that he had been hurt, but there was nothing. Suddenly terror gripped him even more: he wasn't home, if Nahoya woke up and realised he wasn't there, what the hell was he going to tell her as an explanation?

He got out of bed looking for his mobile phone, which he found on the nightstand next to the bed. He opened the phone and looked at the time: it was half past seven in the morning, not even with a miracle would he make it home on time, let alone without knowing where he was.

Suddenly the sound of the door interrupted him, seeing a sleepy Rindō Haitani enter, carving one of his eyes. ─ Hm? Look, you woke up. ─

Souya's face denoted nervousness. How come the Haitani was there? Vista moved from the bed to the violet-haired one, realizing that they had slept together, but HOW DID HE GET THERE! She sat on the edge of the bed recapping what had happened before, from the moment they arrived at the disco, the drinks, the dance with Rindō, the secret room and suddenly her eyes widened like saucers; the kiss. That kiss, he remembered the kiss but for some reason he remembered it further.

Rindō let out a laugh causing Souya to snap out of his thoughts and look to the youngest Haitani, who leaned against the wall in front of the bed.

─ Don't you remember? It was a spectacular night, I didn't know you could move like that. ─ With that the Kawata's cheeks flared a deep red. Now what idiocy was he talking about? He shook his head and jumped up, pointing his index finger at the two-coloured man.

─ You're out of your mind, you and I would never do that! ─ Souya defended himself and Rindō laughed again.

─ Never say never. I'll tell you. ─


Rindō felt the wetness on his cheeks as well and he knew that wasn't good. With that he pulled his face away from the boy thinking of how to stop him knowing what the twin was capable of. However, he couldn't break away. Souya grabbed him again to continue with the kiss and Rindō then managed to reciprocate by following the Kawata's pace.

Lips were bitten gently by the blue-stranded one but there was no complaint from Rindō, only a mischievous grin as his hands stroked the length and breadth of the younger Kawata's back. He felt he should go somewhere more private but, Souya wrapped his arms around him and wouldn't let go.

─ Oe, Souya. ─ He exclaimed close to the other's ear, but there was no response.

He moved him gently but Souya remained still. ─ Let's go home. ─ He heard from the twin causing an eyebrow to raise on the red-haired man's face.

Perhaps the Kawata intended to take things to another extreme and Rindō would not refuse if he had to be honest. So he nodded but, the moment he wanted to get up, the blue-stranded one made no move but to cling to him. No matter how hard the Haitani struggled, he couldn't get the boy off; he was as stuck as if he were chewing gum.

The Haitani struggled for a while but nothing came to fruition, so with a frown he had no choice but to carry the boy to the car. With an angry face he headed for the exit, getting into the car with the boy still in his arms.

End flashback.

─ What the hell is wrong with you? ─ the younger Haitani mentioned with annoyance as he folded his arms across his chest. ─ I only managed to get you off me after a couple of hours, which was when you fell into a deep sleep. ─ the violet-haired man added.

Souya kept a confused look on his face because no matter how hard he tried, he had no memory of it. A sound brought him back to the present as he searched for where it came from; it was the ringtone of his mobile phone which he was holding with both hands so it was with this that he looked down to see who it was. He turned pale in an instant as soon as he looked at the name on the incoming call: it was his brother, and he must have realised he wasn't there.

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