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The phone kept ringing and Souya didn't know whether to answer it or ignore it. He looked to the Haitani for help but instead the red-haired man maintained a smile of amusement at the situation the younger Kawata was going through. He would have to make a good excuse for his absence in the course of the talk he was about to have, so Souya answered.

─ Smiley?

【 Oh Angry, sorry to bother you but could you bring home some scallion? We're all out of it. 】

At that moment Souya had a look of total confusion on his face. Chives? Shouldn't he be shouting out why he wasn't home? However it was he would then continue pretending what he was supposed to be doing.

─ Oh sure Smiley, I'll take him.

[ You're the best little brother, say hi to Hakkai for me! 】

Immediately it was that the call was hung up. Souya remained confused by the chatter so he turned his gaze back to the Haitani who in a heartbeat let out an unabashed laugh. Souya frowned knowing that the Haitani had something to do with it.

─ What the hell are you laughing at, asshole? ─ the blue-haired man asked, to which Rindō pointed at the mobile phone Souya held in his hands.

─ I sent a message for you, I said you were going to that Hakkai guy early because he asked for your help. Clearly I wasn't going to allow things to interfere with my plans with you, you idiot. ─ The Haitani added as laughter continued to erupt from him.

Quickly Souya began to search through the messages and sure enough, there was the message Rindō was referring to. He thought for a moment and, in that instant, connected that moment in his head: it meant that Rindō had been looking through his chats, how dirty of the Haitani and even more so without even asking him for permission. The vein on his temple was noticeably more pronounced than at other times, so he stood up from the seat he was taking on the edge of the bed and pointed at the younger Haitani.

─ Take me home, I'm tired and I don't want to be so close to you. ─ The blue-haired man said again, as he glanced around for the clothes he had put on the night before. However, he stopped for a second to think; he couldn't come home in that expensive suit and not even in the pyjamas he was wearing.

As if Rindō was a mind reader, he raised an eyebrow as his hands went to place on his own waist.

─ You need some of those awful clothes you always wear, don't you? Come on, I'll buy it for you so you don't get us into trouble. ─ The Haitani proposed as Souya had no choice but to accept that proposal, letting out a low sigh as he followed the boy from behind. He didn't care so much where the other suit had gone; surely the older man would have taken care of that.

He silently followed the older boy, his head spinning over the kiss from the night before and the consequences of it. Rindō didn't seem to care at all, as if nothing had happened, and it made him extremely uncomfortable that he was acting so relaxed. They passed through several rooms and then a huge room that encompassed a huge television with a few consoles as well as a pool table. Not to mention a shelf full of alcohol of various brands and presentations and the smell of perfumed cigarettes filled the air.

─ They woke up so soon?~ Rin-Rin, you're a rascal. ─ The voice of the older Haitani, who was sitting calmly with his legs crossed while holding a cigarette in his hand, was heard from one of the armchairs.

Rindō let out what sounded like a chuckle as he shook his head. ─ Not this day, brother. I've raised your expectations quite a bit. ─ Was Rindō's response as Ran formed a pout with his lips.

Cigarette smoke released as he stood up, following Souya and Rindō in a calm manner. Having both Haitani in such close proximity was a nerve-wracking process for the Kawata, and he pretended not to be, because even though Rindō gave him some insecurity, Ran was the one who gave him the most strangeness, as well as a bit of intimidation if he could call that feeling that caused him to want to run away.

─ Hey crybaby ogre~ you should take me to your brother, he seems like a nice guy and with that smile you look like you'd brighten my day~ ─ Ran blurted out out of nowhere. Souya gave him a grumpy look, as well as the most intimidating look he had at the comment he made towards his brother.

─ No way Ran, so many drugs must have damaged your brain by now. ─ Souya replied. A chuckle came from Ran at Ran's response and he ran his hand over his hair and ruffled it a bit.

─ You sure know how to make people laugh, Angry. I can see why my little brother is so infatuated with you. ─

Rindō's gaze was at that moment directed at his older brother, not a cheerful look but rather a look that denoted a warning. It was enough for Ran to stop saying those things, causing him to sit up and stare straight ahead.

He was near the car when one of the Haitani guards opened the back door of the car to let the two of them in. Souya was the first to enter, then it was Rindō who got into the car. Ran stayed outside making Rindō roll down the car window to say goodbye. A call caught both of their attention which came from the older Haitani's mobile phone who hurriedly picked up his phone, picking it up as soon as possible.

─ Mikey~ I wasn't expecting your call so soon boss, what's new? ─ Souya's eyes widened as he heard the blond's name.

His brother never wanted to tell him what had happened with him and right now the pieces fit together: that day Rindō was assaulted because they must already know that he works for Big Mikey, and Mikey seemed to have formed a new gang from the ToMan's split. Souya had a lot of information for just one day and curiosity was growing with every minute and more with surprises like that.

Ran hung up the phone and turned to his younger brother. ─ The boss has summoned us. He wants to see us at five o'clock, so don't be late and don't let anyone see you with the Kawata. ─ He warned, as Rindō replied with a nod. He rolled up the window of the car and left for the department stores'.

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