Don't hold so tight

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After my break ended, I went back to work. It was horrible. All the stress. I didn't have time to be with Joonas, I didn't have time to be with Esme and I didn't have time for myself. I felt awful. But luckily I stayed at Joonas' place, and he tried to help me. He even promised me that when I have time, he would take me on a date.

But I still hadn't forgotten what Aleksi did.

I couldn't believe it. All that drama I had to go through with Joonas. It was all Aleksi's fault from the beginning. Well, Joonas agreed on doing it, but it was Aleksi's idea. And when that's not even enough, he's there for me when Joonas tells me the truth, and then he kisses me! I can't believe he would actually do that.

"Wanna come with me to the studio?" Joonas asks. It's been a month after I found out, and I still haven't talked to Aleksi. And I'm not planning to either.

"Is Aleksi gonna be there?" I ask.

Joonas rolls his eyes. "You can't ignore him forever Izzy. He doesn't even know I told you, but I'm sure he would apologize if he knew. Maybe you should talk to him."

"No. He's an idiot."

"Please, let him explain." Joonas begs me.

"Ugh, fine. But I won't forgive him."

"You're the best." Joonas places a soft kiss on my forehead.

I smile. "No, you are." I blow him a kiss.

"Plus, I want you to be there, I miss you." Joonas hugs me.

"I'll try to work less, I promise you." I hug him back.

Before Joonas opens the door to the studio, he squeezes my hand.
I look at him and he smiles encouraging.

"Hi!" He opens the door.

"Izzy, I haven't seen you in like forever!" Aleksi comes against me with his arms open, ready for a hug.
He hugs me but I just stand there. He puts his hands on my shoulders and tilts his head at the side.

"What's wrong?" His eyes goes from me to Joonas and back again.

Joonas looks sad. "She knows."

Aleksi freezes. He stares at me.

"Come on." I walk out if the room, I don't look backwards, but I know he follows me. I turn around and lean against the wall.

"Have something you wanna explain to me?" I raise my eyebrows.

Aleksi's face gets red. He sighs.
"Izzy. I know you're dating Joonas. But when I saw you I just thought.. I really-"

I lift my hand. "We're clearly not talking about the same thing, little man." My cheeks are getting red.
"The dare."

Aleksi's faces changes. He goes from embarrassed to sad.
"I-" He stumbles over the words.

I wait patiently.

"Izzy, I was drunk, and it sounded like a fun idea to challenge Joonas. I know it's totally sick to do anything like that. And I thought you were just one of Esme's friends that would leave soon. But it was so stupid! And I really regret it, now that I see how good you two fit together."

"That's fine, we all do stupid things, and luckily for you I feel kind today. I already forgave you for that."

Aleksi looks at bit happier.

"But." I continue. "The fact that you let Joonas break me, and then you didn't even tell me it was your fault. And you made out with me. I don't know, you'll need to explain that one."

"I was in love with you, and I saw my chance. I know, I'm so egoistic, and it was wrong. I already apologised to Joonas and he forgave me. I wish you could do the same." Aleksi is staring down at the floor. "I know you just see us as friends, and that's fine with me. But I don't want you to see me as 'the guy who made you feel like shit'."

I take a deep breath.
There's two things I can do right now:
1. Scream at him, tell him how awful he is and throw something at him.
2. Forgive him and move on with my life.

In this case, I choose the later one. But the first one wouldn't be so bad either.

"I forgive you. It's in the past, and we sorted it out. It could only hurt to make it something bigger." I give him a crooked smile.

"Thank you." He looks me in the eyes. He was on his way back when I open my mouth again. "But I don't know if we can hang out anymore." I got surprised by my own words. I didn't plan to say this. Aleksi turns around and looks at me, hurt.

"I mean, not just the two of us. If you see us like something more than friends, I don't want to hurt you. You know I don't like you in that way. You seem really great but-"
I stop when Aleksi puts his hand on my shoulder.
"Izzy. I get it. It's fine." But his eyes tells me different. They are filled with hurt. But still he manages to keep that beautiful smile on his face.

When we enter the room again Aleksi disappears from my side and goes to talk to Niko and Joel. Joonas comes forward.

He tilts his head to the side. "How did it go?"

I give him a tired smile. "I forgave him." I don't tell him the other part. Not now.

Joonas wraps his hands around me and kisses my nose. "You're the best."

I smirk. "I know."

Joel appears behind Joonas and screams in his ear. "Jeez, how many times do I have to say this. No lovebirds allowed at the studio!"

Joonas flinches. "Ow! What's wrong with you human!"

"Love hater.." I mumble.

Joel gasps dramatically.

Then we burst out laughing.

"Sorry Joel, I'll try to not distract Joonas." I say after we calmed down.

Joel smiles. "Thank you."

When he turns around Olli is smiling at his phone. Joel goes up to him and snatches the phone out of his hand.

"And who are you texting?" Joel looks at Olli's phone in his hand.

"Were you texting Esme? Ugh!"

I laugh. Joel sounds like a little child. He crossed his arms. "If you lovebirds can't stop.. loving, I swear to god no girlfriends are allowed here anymore."

Joonas mocks him and Joel gives him a playful glare.

"Let's just continue..." Aleksi speaks up. He's sitting at the computer. "Wanna hear what we're working on?" Niko looks at me.

I'm at the studio until the evening. Everyone is so nice, they are like my family. Joonas showed me some guitar riffs on his guitar. Man, he's talented.
Now we're on our way back to his place.
"What are you thinking about?" He asks.

"Oh, nothing really. Just how good you're at playing guitar."

Joonas smiles. "By the way, do you wanna have dinner with my parents next Saturday?"

My heart sinks to my stomach. Of course I want to meet his parents. But I'm afraid they won't like me.

"That would be nice!" I answer. I shouldn't worry about that, I'll take it when it comes.

Author's note:
Does anyone know if Joonas have any siblings? I'm not sure and I need to know hehe.
Joonas singing in Thank you for the pain is killing me right now. He's so perfect. Send me help.
I decided that I am going to name every chapter (that's written after this one) a lyrics from a BC song :)

I cried so much today, I met Niko, Joel, Joonas, Aleksi and Olli and got their autographs. I still can't believe it.

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