Slowly dancing

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It's almost lunch time when I wake up. I put on a jumper and go to the kitchen to get some breakfast. I have a slight headache, but not so bad. Esme is still sleeping, so I try to be as silent as possible.

When I eat my yoghurt Esme comes in to the kitchen. Her brown hair is messy and she has dark circles under her eyes.
"Tough night?" I ask her. She gives me a tired smile. "Yeah, but Olli was so sweet."
I raise one of my eyesbrows. "Did you have the thing?" I ask her with a grin on my face.
"Yeah, we did it." She says, and I can see how in love she is. I smile at my friend's happiness, and continue eating my yogurt.

"So, what did happend with you and Joonas?" She asks me. When I look surprised she continues. "Do you think I'm that blind? I saw that you had chemistry."
"Well I need to admit he's pretty." I say and blush.
"Oh, someone got a bit of a crush I see?" She says playfully. I roll my eyes and eat the last of my yoghurt.

When I'm on my way out from the kitchen, Esme says my name.
"Olli invited me to the studio today. He said that you could come too if you want."
"They have a studio?" I ask. Esme nods. I totally forgot about the band thing. "I'm in!"

I put on some makeup and pick out an outfit. When I try to take some cool mirror selfies, Esme suddently stands at the doorframe.
"Are you coming?" She asks. I take my keys from my bed and we put on our shoes. I out on my black converses, and then we head to the studio.

"So, you will totally fall for Joonas after this" Esme says at smiles while we're walking towards the studio.
"Whaaat?" I say and smile. "I can't imagine."
"Joonas always gets every woman. Everyone knows that" Esme says.
"I had no idea" I say. I can imagine every lady falling for Joonas charm.
It had worked on me. Look at me now.

"Here it is" Esme says after a ten minute walk.
I see Olli and Joonas standing outside a door. Joonas is smoking. When Olli sees Esme, I can see that his face lights up.
"Hey babe!" He says and gives her a kiss. Then he looks at me. "What's up Izzy? Slept well?"
"Actually yes, what about you?" I say and give him a wink. He laughes.

Joonas throws his cigarette on the ground.
"Hey Izzy. I missed you" he says with a grin.
"We literally met yesterday.." I say and laugh. But I get butterflies and feel like I'm walking on clouds.

We go inside. Aleksi, Joel, Tommi and Niko are all in the studio. When we came inside, they were in the middle of recording Niko and Joel singing.
"Great guys!" Aleksi says while doing something on his computer.
Olli and Esme goes over to Aleksi but I stand at the door, not knowing what to do.

"Want me to teach you some guitar?" Joonas asks me. He is wearing a black hoodie and jeans. His blond hair is messy like always. He has dark circles under his eyes, but looks happy.

"Yes! But you should probably not trust me with your guitar.." I say, hesitating.
"Shut up and come over here." He says and walks over to a couch. He picks up his black guitar and sits down.
"Come" he says and claps on the empty space beside him. I sit down and he hands me the guitar.
"Joonas, I don't think this is such a good idea." I say. "I will probably suck"
Joonas sighs. "Everyone does the first time Izzy. Just try this" he plays open strings. I do exactly as he did, but it sounds awful.
"Okay, you're bad" we both laugh. I give the guitar back to him.

I watched while Niko and Joel recorded their singing parts, Tommi talking to Aleksi and Esme and Olli messing around with eachother. They looked so cute. Olli chased Esme around in the room and she giggled when he held her tight.

I probably looked so jealous. I dreamed of having that with someone. I looked at Joonas. He was looking at me, and our eyes met. His crystal blue eyes and my brown. He smiles.
"And what are you smiling at?" I ask with a grin on my face.
"You look so jealous. But it's cute" I get as an answer.
"Do you think I'm cute?" I ask. I couldn't believe my ears.
"Kind of" he answers. This man got me under his spell.

I can see that he exchange looks with Aleksi, but doesn't say anything.
Esme comes up to me. "We are going to Olli's place later. Wanna come? The rest of the band are coming"
I look at Joonas. He nods. "Sure!" I answer. If everyone else is going, why wouldn't I.

When Niko and Joel are done recording the singing, we all head to Olli's place. He lives in an apartment, not far away.
The livingroom gets full fastly.
Olli puts on some music and me and Esme start dancing. Olli and Aleksi joins us. We are having so fun, and laughing around.
I see Joonas sitting on the couch, scrolling on his phone.
I walk over to him and looks over his shoulder. He's scrolling on Instagram.
"Come and dance with us." I say.
"I'm not a good dancer, no thanks" he say, trying to escape.
"Come on! Don't be such a boring adult." I try to convince him.

"Well, someone needs to be the adult." He tries to excuse himself.
"And it's not you" I say and give him the "I've won" look. I take his hand and drag him out on the dancefloor.

After a few songs, he is going wild, just like me and Esme.
Esme and Olli is dancing very close. Olli drags her closer and kisses her passionately. I can't look at the cute couple so I look at Joonas instead. His blond hair is messier than ever.

He spins around and then our eyes meet. I stop breathing. He smirks and dances against me. He takes me in his arms and the touch spreads a warm feeling in my bones. I'm lucky it's dark in the room because I'm red as a tomatoe in my face.

He lifts me up and spins me around. We laugh and I put my hands around his neck. He puts me down.
One second I just stare into his blue eyes. But then I realise how close I'm standing. Our bodies is slightly touching. I take a step back.

He smiles. "No need to be nervous" he says with a soft voice. The whole room is blurry but I see him so clearly. He stands still with his head slightly tilted to the left. His smile is so cute.

I take all the courage I have and walk closer to him. He puts his hands around my waist. I look up at him. He has a bit of his hair infront of his eye. I slowly put it behind his ear. Then I put my head against his chest and we are dancing slowly from side to side in the dark.
I'm fully living my dream right now. Only if it could last forever.

Writer's word:

Yeah so here is the second chapter. What do you think?
I wrote it fastly so it's not my best. Comment if you want anything to happend between them :)

Anyway, I can't wait for Olli's birthday! I hope the guys will post. I can't believe they left Aleksi's birthday in silence.

I hope you all have a great week and stay safe <3

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