Should I worry?

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I wake up in Joonas bed. He's not here. I feel tired, but then I remember. I'm Joonas Porko's girlfriend. I'm living the perfect life right now.
I get up.
"Joonas?" the apartment seems empty. "Hello?" I say again. Nope. No one is here. Where could he be?
I eat breakfast and get dressed. Still no Joonas. I start to get a little worried so I call Esme. She picks up.

"Hi, do you know where Joonas is?" I ask her soon as she picks up. "Uhm no, actually, I don't know where Olli is either" she mumbles sleepily. I sigh. "Where are you? You and Joonas disappeared last night" Esme asks me. "We just went for a walk and stayed at Joonas place" I try to sound as natural as possible even if I just want to tell her the great news. But it needs to wait.
"Can I come over?" I ask her. "Sure, I'm at Olli's place"

I knock at the now familiar door. I need to wait a minute before Esme opens. "Hey" She has messy hair and dark circles under her eyes.

I drum my finger against the dinner table. "Where could they be?" It's afternoon already. "I seriously don't know, Olli was gone when I woke up" Esme looks worried too. "I hope nothing have happend" she says, clearly worried. "Me too" I mumble.
I hear a key opening the door, and then it opens. "Olli!" Esme already looks more energetic when she rushes to the door to meet her beloved boyfriend. "Have you seen Izzy? Joonas came home and she isn't there!" Olli says while hugging Esme. "I'm here" I come in to the hallway. "Great, could you call him?" Olli asks. Then he starts talking with Esme.
I call Joonas. "Where the hell are you?" He asks me when he picks up. "I'm at Olli's place, but the question is, where have you been all day? I've been worried"
There is a silence.
"I helped Olli to prepare a thing for Esme, sorry, I didn't tell you" Joonas seems that he's telling me the truth. "What did you prepare?" I ask curiously. "Come home and I can tell you" then he hangs up. I feel a bit confused, but tell Esme and Olli that I need to go.

I knock on the door to his apartment. When he opens it I throw myself into his arms. Even if we have been without eachtoher for just one day, I've missed him so much. He holds me tight.
"Hi" I mumble. He chuckles. "Hi babe" then he continues "god I can finally call you babe" I start giggling. "Come" he takes my hand and lead me in to the dark apartment. "Why is it so dark here?" I ask, because the whole apartment is pitch black. Joonas doesn't answer, but let go of my hand and the darkness swallows him. After a few seconds a warm light fills the room. The livingroom looks different. Joonas has put fairy lights up around the walls, and it's cleaner than ever. "When did you do this?" I ask him while I look around in the room. It's absolutely beautiful.
"When I came home. I thought I should surprise you" he smiles. I almost start crying, this is so kind of him. "Thank you so much I love it!" I have a big smile on my face. A slow beat is playing from a speaker. "Would you like to dance?" Joonas offers me his hand. I take it and he places his hands around my waist. I put my hands on his shoulder and we start swinging to the music. I close my eyes, and try to focus on Joonas movements. I feel his body against mine.

"Am I dreaming right now" I mumble against his cheast. "I think we're dreaming the same dream then darling" he tilts my head upwards with his fingers. I look up at him. His beautiful blue eyes are sparkling. I look deep into them. He leans forward and maked our lips touch. I open my mouth a bit more and he follows. Our tongues touch eachother. They twirl around eachother. I put my hands in his hair and force him to come even closer. I dig my hands deeper into his fluffy hair. He pulls away, and I use the moment to take a deep breath. He cups my face in his hands. His eyes are like two oceans, staring at me. "Did you know that your eyes are the most beautiful shade of brown?" He whispers. "Your eyes looks like the most beautiful diamonds" I whisper back. When he's about to say something I cut him off. "Please, kiss me"
He lifts me up and puts me down on the couch and then he sits down beside me. I chuckle silently, but then he leans forward and kisses me.
The kisses gets hotter and so does the room.

When we're done, we lay on the couch staring up at the ceiling. Joonas have removed his shirt. I'm out of breath, but it's so worth it. This is absolutely one of the top three moments I've had with Joonas. I hear him breathing beside me and it brings me peace.
"What were you preparing with Olli?" I completely forgot to ask him when I got home. "He wants to surprise Esme with a trip to a cottage" Joonas still looks up at the roof. "They're so sweet" I say. Joonas mumbles something to show that he agrees with me.

Joonas turns his head and stare at me. He looks so happy laying there, but deep in his eyes, I see something bothering him. "Is everything alright?" I ask him. It seems like he's about to tell me something, but changes his mind.
"It's just that.." he hesitates. I wait. The words seems to be stuck.
"Nothing" he stares up at the ceiling again. Why won't he tell me.

(One week later)

I fell asleep there, on the couch, with Joonas arm around me. I can't stop thinking about what's bothering Joonas. I see that it's something, but he won't tell me.
"Izzy? Izzy?" A voice interupts my thoughts. "Huh?"
Aleksi sits infront of the computer. "Wanna hear the song we're working on?" He asks. It's just me and him in the studio, everyone else went to eat lunch. I told them I wasn't hungry and Aleksi said he wanted to fix some things on the song. "Sure" I get up from the couch I have been sitting on. "Here" Aleksi plays the beginning of a song. "Nice" I say. I don't feel like giving feedback right now.
"Is everything okay?" The black haired man notices that I'm thinking about something. "You always say what you think"
"It's just that, Joonas have been acting weird for the past month, but he won't tell me what it is"
Aleksi looks understanding. "I get it, Porko has those days. It will probably disappear soon"
I force a smile to my lips.

Writer's word:

Here you go :D
I wrote this chapter in an hour, so sorry if it doesn't make so much sence. It doesn't happend anything really, but I felt like I wanted to write, so here it is :)
Enjoy, and stay safe <3

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