16|| Escape My Head

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{ Ino's P.O.V }

We are at the jail and I am surprised I have kept him in this long. I get scared at times and wonder if he will just pop out and I will pass out. Choji has my body but keeping him in this long as I have I wont have enough Chakra to carry.

"Ino don't worry I wont hurt your pretty little face." Senju was talking again, I hated his voice the more he talked the more I wanted to kill him "It's time for the real fight to begin now." He laughed evilly. My body shivered.

"Ino.. You okay?" Kiba looked and me and Akamaru barked. "Let's head inside." I nodded and soon I fell faint. My jutsu had finally worn off but why of all times. I was put back in my body and Choji set me down. The Senju stood up and smiled.

"Ino, If you don't fight back you won't get hurt, so please stay on the ground." He laughed again. Choji looked at him angered. Akamaru and Kiba were growling but what was I to do I had no chakra to fight. Barely enough to stand, but I know my comrades can't fight without me. What could I do?

"Ino you stay put." I heard Choji speak and it soften my heart, I know teams are suppose to look out for each other but some might say my team cared more than they had too.

"Akamaru and I got this. I heard what you can do Senju and I can do worse." Kiba smiled and you could see his fangs he was ready to fight, it's as if he knew I wasn't going to be able to hold out.

"Oh but two on one how is that fair." Senju laughed at them more. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"It took every ninja that lived to fight off Madara Uchiha and he lasted for a long time. Our Hero Naruto Uzumaki saved us." Choji balled his fist. "So, when it comes to how us Shinobi live, the numbers don't matter." Choji wasn't usually the smart one but he was right. Numbers are just numbers with no meaning.


{ Kiba's P.O.V }

"Choji, Akamaru! Let's take this guy down right here." I smirked and looked at that Senju guy he doesn't know what he is up against. Choji nodded and immediately got to work.

"Super Open Hand Slap!" He arm stretched out and smacked the Senju making him slide into the gates of the jail.

"Come on Akamaru!" As soon as the Senju stood up I was ready. "Fang Over Fang!" Ino was still on the ground as I twirled threw the air and hit the Senju again. He didn't fall this time he only grew bigger. "What is going on?"

Choji started at it and grew to his level. Choji rolled into a ball and hit him but he only grew bigger and bigger the more Choji hit him.

"Choji stop!" He stopped and realized he go bigger. The Senju had not said a word or even moved something was off.

"Wood Release: Wood Dragon Technique!" I finally heard his voice but I couldn't find him. The big version of him turned into a wooden dragon. The dragon flew up and finally I saw the Senju was on top of it. "Are you at my level?" He laughed and flew in circles finally landing.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu." Akamaru and the one clone stand next to me. "Triple Headed Wolf!" We all transform into a huge wolf with three heads. I hope I have enough chakra to use this to fight him. Choji grows in size.

"Partial Muti-size!" He foot grows and her kicks the dragon in the head. The dragon groans and blows fire. Choji moves out of the way quickly trying to hurt Ino. I ran to the dragon and pushed him into the gate. Choji grabbed it and it kicked Choji leaving three claw marks. Choji shrunk and held him stomach as he was on the ground.

After see Choji on the ground I couldn't take it anymore. "Super Fang Wolf Fang!" I hit the Senju's Dragon and started to rip apart piece by piece. After I was done so was the dragon, but my transformation stopped and I was almost done with Chakra. When I looked over at Choji, Ino was healing him.

My Family's Nindo[1]: Destined For Evil and DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now