Chapter 18

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Shiro: aw leaving already ?

Sam: haha yeah , we have some things to do so we have to go .

Tamia: a certain baka made a mass !

Sam: . . . yeah . . so we will take our leave 

Scathach: have a save trip .

Tamamo: visit us sometimes 

Sam & Tamia: we will bye !

the two lest in a blue light and disappear .

Shiro: huh I wonder if one day I could meet oy other cousins , oh well , now . . *turns serous*

Orphis: . . . . . .

Shiro: yes my friends.  .me and Ophis . are going to have  . . .a talk  .

Orphis: *nod*

Noel: then I guess we will deal with Vali and his group ?

Shiro: oh me and that loli will just talk, but then again , Vali is battle manic , so if he annoys you , feel free to kick his ass .

Musashi: knowing him he will challenge one of us , then again he to confident in sacred gear , though . . .

Mia: I really don't to hurt Kuraka , we both used to be childhood friends , that is until she killed her master , and escaped , but I know she won't do that unless she had a good reason .

Tamamo: still . stupid that because she killd ONE high class devil , they like hey lets kill all neko race . . *angry* and they never bother to investigate him , oh right he's a high class devil , and she a reincarnated one , so no one will lessen to her , which makes me wonder . .were al strays were bad?

Musashi: well . . we never knew . .it's just ,oh they betry their master , but if I'm being honest , I feel some could have a good reason , I mean Kuraka is a good example , so maybe some strays were bad , but had  really bad master. . . and seeing how MOST devil treat their peerage .. yeah I would say it likely happens more often than not , but hey that's just a guess .

Shiro: no no you have every right to think that.  . .the devil society is . . . bad to say the least , they always lust for power and .  .*ahem* other . .things . . .and they always too prideful , what sad it most doesn't even deserve it , I mean don't get me wrong I hate pride people , but , like dragons , they have the strength to back their pride , and they ( most of them ) are smarter .

Shiro: anyway , lets get ready .

everyone nod .

In Ophis's base . . . 

Arthur: looks like that white fox made short work of Cao Cao and his group .

Kuraka: serve them right , I warned them not to mass with them , but he was to arogent to lessen nya . 

Lay fay: and that mestyrous small white thing that appeared in the last days , made work of more of the factions , and stole most of their valuables .

Arthur: what a mass .

"indeed it is"

The group were alarmed , the white fox peerage appears .

Shiro: hello Khas bridge , I'm here to talk with the gothic loli .

Vali: she's busy right now .

Shiro: hahahaha , oh Vali . . .I wasn't asking .    

the fox start walk , the Khas bridge members tried to blocl them , we except Kuraka , as she choose not to fight her childhood friend ( and she smart enough not mass with Shiro and his peerage ) .

Sirin: Ara white dragon emperor , but our king doesn't have time to deal with little boys like you.

Vali: don't underestimate me void queen .

Sirin: ara big talk . . and you're wrong . .it's you who underestimate me  .

the queen of void start fighting the white dragon emperor , Musashi and Arthut clashed with one another , Tamamo was with Lay Fay , as for Kuraka , she was chilling with Mia , Jaden was charring for his girlfriend , Orphis , Noel , Sheele and Omega delt with other members outside , Scathach and Zhongli were watching over their children .

Vali was . . .to say the least , was having a hard time , the queen was truly living to her reputation , and to make things worse for him , his sacred gear was useless since she doesn't use magic m but honkai energy  which alion to him . 

And her wasn't the only one , Musashi being a master swordsmen he gave Arthur a hard time , despite having Excalibur ruler , but the samurai's swords prove to match his , if not better , and Lay Fay was struggling against Tamamo , as she like her was good with magic , now she was better as she used spells that were totally unknown to her . 

{she took some lessens from Sam . . .hehhehe }   .

with this happening , we see both the white fox and the loli dragon staring at each other .

Patrick: there are just standing there . . . .menacingly !

Shiro: so Ophis . . you know why I'm here .

Ophis: *sigh* it's about them isn't it .

Shiro: I told you before , of one of your group attack my home , you and me will have a talk .

Ophis: but . . .does it have to be .  .. "that" way .

Shiro: why yes. . .yes it has . . 

Time skip brought you by . . . Dio167208 & Samxdemon schemong .

Ophis: T*T noooo

She . . . .was getting . . .9000 spank in the ass .

{Konton: IT'S OVER 9000 !!!!!! }

And he wasn't using his hand no no . . .he was using . . .a naughty stick . . powered up by dragon slayer energy . . .yeah you can imagne how . . .hurt she is right now , she even lost her kuudere face .

Ophis: uncle uncle !!

Shiro: hmmm . .. fine I guess this is enough .

the moment her down , she begin subbing like a little child. .  oh wait she is .

He looked behind him and saw his peerage.  .looking 

Kuraka: I feel bad for her .

Sirin: I enjoyed the show .

Sheele: of course you did .

Shiro: so did you deal with them?

Musashi: with the exception of Kuraka here , they won't be able to bother us for long while 

Sirin: fufufufufuf~ specially Vali .

Shiro: . . . .should I ask?

Jaden: take it from me . . .you don't need to know what she did to him .

everyone nod .

Shiro: ._. 

So the group return home with Kuraka , now part of the family , as for her and her sister, well it took some time , but they clear Kuraka's name , and slowly help her with her sister .

Now the white fox was going to sleep buuuut .

Tamamo: oh darling~

Sheele: did you forget~

Noel: you're not sleeping tonight~

Shiro: well then . . .

Yup , and not just these three , but Sirim , Mia , and Scathach had similar idea , Omega went sleep mode and shut himself , while poor Orphis had to hear the women's screems . . .until he had enough and went to the underworld to escape . 

Yup just another day in the Fox peerage's house .

ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNd we're done . . .what? I said this will be a random humer story , not really about plot not fighting , just some random s***  , that and I don't want to speend too much time on it , and I have my other books to finish , and besides , humer books should be short right? . .eh no matter .

Hope you had fun reading this and I wish all a wonderful day .


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