Chapter 15

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Cao Cao: to think you will serve one of supernatural .

Musashi: last time I check you don't control who I serve .

Scathach: and last time I check you don't control how live .

Jeanne: and you choose to follow a damn fox , the supernatural , humanity's enemy .

Scathach , Musashi , Noel , Jaden and Sheele looked at each other .. . than laugh .

George: you think this is funny?

Sirin: hahahaah oh my you "hero" are no didderent then the supernatural , same mind set , thinking they're right and evryone else is wrong . . doing so many crimes and justfide your self . . hod foolish . . . I see some humans never changed .

Cao Cao: as if someone like you can understand what we went through .

Sirin: heheehe . . .hahaahah  . .HAHAHAHAH don't understand? . . .oh please . . .just because of what? I'm inhuman ? . . well let me tell you . . it's YOU human that made me into what you call a monster  .

the herscherr glared at Cao Cao .

Sirin:  I was once a happy child with my mother . . . .living a simple yet happy life . . .until some scientists took me away from my mother . . . .being in weird place . .abused turtured . . and for what ? . . .because they were cerious? . . .because they wanted to make a weapon to fight god like beings . .. .

she clared more as everyone  feel her aura rising .

Sirin: you call all supernatural are monsters . . yet it's you human that made one . .and it took one fox . . and a dark king to save me. . to stop me from becoming a true monster . . .

Supreme king of darkness: tell Cao Cao , if you're the answer and well to all human in this world then let me ask you 

the king looked at the "hero" with his golden eyes 

Supreme king of darkness: where were you when human suffered from the battles of the supernatural  , where were you whe children were kidnapped , turtured , abused , for no good reason , or to make them into weapons for the supernatural . . . 

Musahsi: for all your talk about heriosim . . .you're just a man who hate ALL supernatural , just because ONE of them hurt you . . .you talk bib but you're just doing this out of personal reason rather than "save human" .

Noel: and wither we and you like it or not . . .both human & supernatural can't exist without the other , so all you're doing it's just making chaos . . .exactly like the other khaos bridge members .

Shiro: then again . . .is is a surprsie? your leader doesn't care at all . . .all becasue she wanted to get her home . .. and loook at her .. making chaos here and there , and don't get me started on her . .  ."members" here we have a sad excuse of heroes , then a half devil with daddy issies and throwing the tantrum and want hey let prove I'm strongest by making chaos for absulatly no good reason . . . man to be honest . .. I kind like him . . but he's too much of battle manic for my liking . .and being part of a grope who it a threat to my home . .. . oh never mind .

He looked at his group .

Shiro: just finish this .

Hecules: you think you can take us doen punk?

Shiro: yup . . *smirk* and it's already over . . . .

Gerorge: what are you . . . .!

"Stab and penetrate! , Thrust and impale! , Gáe Bolg Alternative!"

Before they know it . . . .George was already down . . .



Both Orphis and Omega followed . . and yes . ..Orphis talked. . . ., then Musashi summoning the fire sword .

he dushed at Jeanne , who tried to push him back with her swords , but he was too fast for her , and like George

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he dushed at Jeanne , who tried to push him back with her swords , but he was too fast for her , and like George . . . she falls before she know it .

Not far from here  . . Sirin was beating the sh*** out of Cao Cao . . .

Cao Cao: I  . .  .can't lose. . . .I'm , , ,humanity . .

Sirin: sorry Cao Cao . . but like my master said .'s over. . . .Zhongli . . if you would be so kind?


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