23 - revelation

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I reluctantly opened my eyes as the car pulled leisurely to a stop, lifting my head from its somewhat comfy position against the car window. The vehicle parked closest to the building I needed to be in.

It was only 10 AM, but I stayed up pretty late last night. The previous days had been my only ones off after filming with The Temptations.

During that break, Allison and I met up as planned. She was the first to arrive at the cafe I picked out. Thankfully, she still looked recognizable.

Locks of wavy, jet-black hair coiled around her shoulders, contrasting her pale, porcelain-like skin. Her facial structure was slim, just like the rest of her. A pair of soft, salmon pigmented lips parted to sip her coffee; teak hued eyes meticulously scanning her environment. She'd applied dazzling makeup to her face; bold eyeliner, blush along her cheekbones and some contour near her upturned nose. I never saw her without her perfectly crafted mask on. She always kept up her looks.

I knew she didn't recognize me right away. My disguise was working; a large hoodie pulled over my cap with dark shades blotting out my eyes. It was imperative that I sheltered myself. I didn't want to be interrupted by groups of people staring into the cafe from the window outside. And I didn't want Allison to feel uncomfortable.

Allison's eyes snapped up to me as I pulled the chair at her table back. Her eyebrows scrunched neatly over them, pulling her cup away from her lips to address me. "That seat is reserved."

Once seated with my back to the entrance of the establishment, I plucked my shades from my face. Combing back the cap and hood to reveal myself. "Hey, Allison."

"Oh my gosh—sorry, I—I didn't—oh, I didn't even recognize you!" Allison sputtered, the whites of her eyes visible through how wide they'd stretched.

I laughed, shifting my cap and hood back on, though leaving the glasses folded to the side of the table. "It's okay! I wouldn't recognize myself either."

"Is it because of the video? Have you been spotted by fans?"

"Yeah, more and more recognize me. They ask for pictures and autographs and for me to give Michael messages. I can't really leave my apartment without at least one person coming up to me. And I didn't want that to happen while we were catching up, so I put on this disguise."

Allison beamed, the color in her irises seeming to lighten multiple shades. "You're famous, Tati! I can't believe it!" Her voice squealed, turning a few heads.

"Shhhh!" I whisper-hissed, ducking my head down and trying to cover a giggle. "Don't let the whole cafe know!"

She ducked her head down with me, that enlivened twinkle to her features unwavering. "So you've been hanging out with Michael?"

I shook my head. "No, he's in Japan touring right now. I don't know when he comes back to America."

"But you will see him again. Right?"

"I don't know." I straightened my hunched over body, bringing my hand to my chin. "On the last day of filming he said I would work with him again, but I'm not holding my breath."

Allison snatched my free hand in hers, freshly done nails poking into my palms. "You totally will. I'm so excited for you!"

My heart warmed with her enthusiasm. She had enough to fill the whole edifice, and then some.

After ordering myself a coffee and finishing it in the span of the hour we sat and talked, we left the cafe, arm in arm. We both agreed that it shouldn't end there. Riding around in the car Allison drove up, we cruised the streets of L.A., just as we used to do. Our bond was stronger than before, and although I'd spent nearly the whole day with her, I still felt pained to say goodbye.

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