22 - video vixen

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"I swear I had no idea." Julie contended, twisting the bag of clothes bought seconds ago around her arm. "I would have never let you go through with the audition if I knew he was going to be there."

I tugged at the cap fitted snuggly on my head. "It's okay, really. He didn't do anything. And he wasn't drunk this time, so..."

Julie let out a little peeved huff and squinted as the sun emerged from fluffy white clouds for the eighth time today.

The weather was cool, an odd dip from the blistering heat California usually suffered in. The sun kept dancing behind the clouds as though playing peekaboo. And although it wasn't as hot, it's light still effectively blinded us as we trekked the sidewalks of L.A.

"That's no excuse. Men should be able to handle themselves, whether they're intoxicated or not."

I couldn't argue with that.

This month I had been rather occupied with modeling work, as Julie promised. We didn't have time to truly discuss last month's events, so on the second Monday of November, Julie and I agreed to take the day off by going on a little shopping spree. We'd been to four stores already, and only bought one thing. From Afterthoughts.

Reasonable to me.

And during this time I told her about the Temptations video I filmed. And about Billy Dee. Granted, Julie hadn't been my agent when I did his eyewear campaign, but I still told her about it. Most likely thinking she'd steer away from gigs involving him. But alas, that wasn't the case.

It wasn't her fault. I believed her; she hadn't known. Not all details could be shared about the music video when auditioning. Just as Michael held a valuable piece of information from his music video.

She was also informed on the unexpected proposition from both The Temptation's and Billy Dee Williams's manager. In which she gave me a long, amusing lesson on following her intuition—since she'd been the one to say people would be begging to represent me. After she had a giddy fest with me, of course. I kept voicing how surprised I was that I was moving up this quickly, and the video hadn't even breached the surface of millions of TV screens. Though Julie continued to boast as though she'd expected this from the beginning.

She was a funny little thing.

I adjusted my hat again. It was really starting to feel constricting. Maybe I should take it off.

"What other stores did you want to go in?" I inquired, changing the subject from Billy Dee. Enough dwelling about things in the past. It didn't look good on me.

Julie hummed in thought, and I watched her eyes scan the rows of buildings ahead. "Let's find another clothing shop, I want a cute dress."

"Trying to impress a certain someone?" I smirked.

"Maybe. Maybe not."

We strolled past building after building, scouring the interiors. I didn't care what store we went into—I'd come for the company, so I trailed after Julie without any complaints.

Though I did nearly barrel us both over when she abruptly stopped walking.

"What the—"


She thrusted her finger towards the other side of the street. There, a group a people stood outside a shop window, staring mesmerized at the multiple tv screens. I couldn't make out what was playing, but obviously Julie could. She snatched my hand in hers and darted across the road with me in tow.

When we'd gotten closer, I was able to see what caught my agent's attention.

Me. Strutting down an all too familiar sidewalk. Wearing a short black dress with black heels. Then, Michael; sliding out of an alley and attempting to intercept me. It took me seconds—maybe less—to realize what was happening before me.

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