7 - welcome to showbiz

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After a short break, in which I claimed a water bottle and took a sip, we were back to shooting.

Vince had me stand in my earlier position as he explained the next steps. I was to stand with my arms crossed while Michael slowly made his way over to me. I learned early on that I had no lines during this part, or the rest of the video for that matter, but Michael was to sing live after he made it to my side. He was going to break out in dance, my response initially being slight surprise before I walked off and he began the chase.

I knew my cue and performed well up until it was Michael's turn to sing.

He stood in front of me facing the cameras that were behind me. A cheeky grin claimed his lips while he moved his head from side to side, warming up.

Suddenly, he threw his left leg out to the side, belting, "You knock me off of my feet now, baby... whooo!"

I froze, staring at him in shock, then awe. His voice was so powerful; husky and full of passion. Where in the world had he pulled that from? The volume of that single verse he'd belted vibrated the core of my heart as if the bass of his song was turned on max. His skinny frame didn't look like it could hold much power, but perhaps that was part of the illusion. It was amazing to be this close to him; to hear his vocals in the same room instead of through a radio.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I hadn't realized I'd missed my cue.

"Now, Tatiana! Go! Go, now!" Vince screamed from the side. Turning to look at him, I noticed the cameramen standing around with their mouths open too. It hadn't been just me shocked by Michael's vocals.

Joe Pytka stood up from his seat and waved his arm vigorously. "Cut! Let's try it again. Camera A, get into position!"

While the director ordered the cameramen into place, I turned to face Michael. I was sure my entire face was red in embarrassment, and I put both hands up to cover it. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to freeze. I don't know what I was doing." I mumbled, my words slipping through my fingers.

I was almost scared that Michael would snap at me for my foolishness. Tell me to get it together. A small part of me wanted him to. I remember some of the dance instructors at Juilliard's Dance School being a bit more enforcing and demanding; in a way bullying their students into greatness. It worked on me most of the time. Maybe I needed a little tough love to stop acting like an amateur in front of Michael.

But of course he didn't.

I heard his soft, soothing laugh and lowered my hands to look at him. It only lasted a few seconds, as I was still upset and couldn't handle his eyes on mine.

"It's okay, really." He assured me, shuffling back to his spot and flashing a quick smile.

"Starting from where we left off! Go ahead, Michael." Joe boomed, interrupting me as I opened my mouth to say more.

Probably for the best.

Someone said action and we did it over again, this time with me successfully walking away. Joe wanted us to do it two more times, telling me to "be more sassy" and telling Michael to "bring in more energy".

Finally the scene ended with me walking over to the group of guys as they blocked my path, letting Michael follow behind. The next shot would be when he began lip singing and Joe let us take a break so he could make sure the playback was working.

I left and went over to the snack bar, still feeling self-conscious about my mistake. I figured food would help me relax a bit and stop obsessing over it. Especially since the others seemed to move on.

While popping a homemade brownie into my mouth, someone came over and stood beside me. I shifted my gaze and saw a man dressed in the exact same outfit as Michael. He had long, wavy black hair pulled in a messy ponytail just like Michael's, though his face had a rounder shape; with full cheeks and a nose that wasn't hooked like Michael's. Their skin tones were pretty identical; a warm and rich brown that glowed beautifully under the light.

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