17: Sunrise

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"It will take three days and three nights for Haganezuka to polish the sword that was inside the training doll. He said that the sharpening method is so incredibly demanding that it's killed people. He'll finish it the day after tomorrow, at least. But I hope he's okay - I'm worried."

Tanjiro takes a bite from his rice ball and swallows.

"Oh! And Aiko's been working hard too! Using her blood technique is too tiring so she's practicing with her nails instead. She cut a tree to pieces yesterday! I'm so proud of her. Nezuko too has -"

"What's it to me?!" Genya roars. All he wanted was to be alone; eat his meal and meditate in silence. "Get out! Don't talk to me like I'm your friend!"

"Huh? Aren't we friends?"

"Of course not! You broke my arm, remember?"

"You were in the wrong," Tanjiro says, remembering their encounter at Final Selection. "You shouldn't have hit a girl, Genya." 

And Genya knew that Tanjiro was right. He swallowed the shame that came with that memory and moved on. "Don't call me by my first name," Genya growls instead.

"Huh? But Aiko does it. And Aiko's your friend, right?" Genya said nothing which was an answer by itself. "So if Aiko's your friend then that makes us friends too."

"What kind of logic is that?!"

"Whoa, your tooth! Wasn't it missing? It grew back!" Tanjiro pulls the tooth from his pocket and shows it to a horrified Genya. "See, I still have it!"

"Why did you keep it, you weirdo?!"

"So I could return it."

"You're crazy! Throw it away! No wait - GET THE HELL OUT."

Tanjiro left, feeling disheartened. He worried for Genya, who was so isolated. Apart from Aiko, he didn't have any friends so Tanjiro wanted to befriend him. But the teen was always so angry. Maybe it was hunger? He'd have to ask Aiko for advice.



When Aiko opened her eyes, she was met with a Demon.

Around her were her siblings and the Mist Hashira, engaged in battle with an Upper Rank Demon. It split into two separate demons; one battling Muichiro, the other one battling Tanjiro. Nezuko tried to transform into her demon form but Tanjiro stopped her so Aiko didn't bother either. The girls watched from the side, giving assistance when needed.

When suddenly - 



Aiko melted at the sight of Genya on a nearby rooftop. He held his smoking pistol, having shot both demons in the head. He looked so cool! Pulling out his nichirin sword, Genya dives in for the kill.

"No, don't!" Tanjiro yells. "That's what they want! If you decapitate them, they keep multiplying."

A bird-like demon appeared from seemingly nowhere and lifted Tanjiro up.

Aiko and Nezuko went to go help but Tanjiro gave them orders not to. "Don't worry about me. Nezuko, help Genya! Aiko, help the Mist Hashira!"

The girls did just that.

Aiko took off into the trees after Muichiro and luckily for her - didn't have to witness a fourth demon impaling Genya with a sword. Her worry for Genya would probably overwhelm her, rendering her useless in a fight. Nezuko rushed to Genya's aid; backing the human up in Aiko's place.

Aiko followed Muichiro's scent and spotted him just ahead.

To her left, a fish-like demon attacked the swordsmith child. Kotetsu was his name if she wasn't mistaken. Muichiro glances at the demon attacking the child. But he doesn't stop and keeps running. Aiko skids to a stop, gaping incredulously. What?! He didn't stop to help the child?! She knew she had to help the boy ... even though Tanjiro told her to help Muichiro - but no. Orders aside, she couldn't just standby and not help.

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