16: The Forgetful Mist Hashira

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"Wow, that's incredible, Kanroji-san!"

Tanjiro marvels at the pile of empty plates, stacked in front of Mitsuri. The Love Pillar blushed bashfully.

"I want to eats lots too and grow stronger," Tanjiro explains.

Aiko doesn't really listen to their conversation. Her and Nezuko are rolling around together and Mitsuri joins them in their play. She adored the demon twins, who remind her terribly of her younger siblings. Only when Genya's name is mentioned, does Aiko pay attention.

"How sad," Mitsuri sighs. "Sanemi told me he had no brother. They must have fallen out. I've got siblings myself and I can't imagine denying any of them."

Tanjiro looks fondly at his sisters, understanding the feeling.

Aiko lays across Mitsuri's lap, feeling sad too. That crazy eyed Wind Hashira is Genya's brother?! Certainly only one brother got the good looks in that family. Well, actually, there were some similarities now that she thought about it. That wide eyed stare, the scars, the height and broad shoulders. Why would Sanemi deny having a brother though?

Genya was hard working, dedicated and passionate.

Even without a Breathing Technique, Genya had proven himself as a remarkable Demon Slayer.

Oh. Aiko came to a conclusion. Sanemi was dropped on his head - he's missing brain cells. It's the only logical explanation.

"He hasn't come yet, huh? He must be hungry," Tanjiro muses. "It would be nice to talk to him a little. Maybe we could becomes friends. You're friends with Genya, right, Aiko?"

The girl beams proudly. "Mhm!"

"Do you ever see him with any other friends?"

Aiko thought for a moment. "No!" was her conclusion.

"That's nice that he has one friend, at least," Mitsuri smiles. "One of the villagers told me he doesn't take meals at all. Maybe he brought his own food? Either way, I don't think he'll come."

"Genya hungry?" Aiko frowns. "No. Genya eat."

She clambers off Mitsuri's lap and dashes to the kitchen. Moments later, she returns with a to-go meal that the staff kindly put together. It was wrapped neatly too and Aiko was excited to present it to Genya.

She hoped it would make him smile.

"Food!" she announces, holding the bag up proudly. "For Genya!"

Mitsuri clapped excitedly. "You're bringing him food? That's so romantic!" She flushes, thinking that Aiko was so pretty and considerate. Genya was handsome too, in his own (scary) way. Imagine if those two got together - Oh Mitsuri's heart overflowed!

"That's very nice of you, Aiko-chan." Tanjiro pats Aiko on the head and Nezuko crawls over for a head pat too. "Don't stay out too late, okay? Come back before the sun rises."

"Okay! Bye, bye!" With a final wave, Aiko marches off - following Genya's scent.




Knock, knock.

Genya sighs. He already knows it's Aiko.

He considers ignoring her but he can't do that. Aiko wouldn't let him ignore her anyway. Knowing he had about five seconds until she kicked in his door, he let her in.



Aiko thrusts the box wrapped in cloth in his face. He takes it and unwraps it curiously. "Food?" he repeats. It looks delicious, the smell makes his mouth water.

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