11: Gyomei's Training

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Aiko tried to sit still while Gyomei talked.

"Namu Amida Butsu," he began. "It's a Nianfo chant from Shin Buddhism. 'I entrust myself to the Buddha of Infinite Light and Life.'"

Bored by his explanation, Aiko began to roll around in the grass.

This didn't deter Gyomei.

He explained to her the beauty of all life. From the bees to the trees to the birds in the sky. He valued all life and the fact that life was short was what made it precious. To live forever was against all his beliefs and he began to weep at the thought.

"I pity you, Aiko. Stuck in that demon body."

She crawls over to him, having to stand to reach his face though he was sitting. Gyomei was a giant of a man. She cupped his cheeks and kissed his forehead. Just like her father did to her when she cried.

"Thank you. Your humanity is not unnoticed. I will assist in your training until we can defeat Kibutsuji and return your human life to you and your sister."

At the thought of Nezuko, Aiko perked up.

"Nezu-chan ~"

"Correct. Let us begin meditating. This is the first step to gathering all your inner strength."

Genya saw them from a distance while he meditated himself. He tried to block them out but he couldn't help but peek at them from one eye.

Gyomei was meditating deeply.

It was as if his soul was on another plane of existence.

Across from the Pillar was Aiko, swaying back and forth and giggling.

It wasn't meditating but it was ... a start.

Genya scoffed, repeating a prayer from the Amida Sutra as Gyomei had taught him. He blocked out Aiko, felt the tension leave his body and he focused.



Two days later, Aiko crawled into the house like a drowned rat.

She coughed out water.

Genya snorted. "The waterfall?"

She crawled onto his lap and nodded. "Cold. Wet," she gargles out.

"G - get off me!"

She curled up against his chest. "Genya warm."

"You're fucking dripping - will you get changed at least?!"

"So cold."

Gyomei came inside shortly. "Aiko, please change. If you continue to lay on Genya, your wet clothes may give him a cold."

Genya went red.

He's blind?! How can he see us like that?!

Pouting, Aiko dragged herself to her room and got changed. She wore a comfortable sleep kimono. It was Tanjiro's so it was a bit big. But his familiar smell brought her comfort.

When she came back to the living area, Genya and Gyomei were gone.

She stomped her foot in annoyance.

Where the heck did they go?!

Aiko follows Genya's scent to his room and barges in. He's shirtless and looks at her entrance in horror. With a high pitched voice, he screams bloody murder and kicks her through the screen door. Aiko lays there, dazed.

What did I do wrong?

She lifts her head, looking at Genya who crosses his arms over his chest to try and shield his shirtlessness. Is that why he's angry? But Aiko had seen people shirtless before. Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Sanemi. Hell, Inosuke was always half naked. No, that couldn't be it.

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