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I was enchanted to meet you.

Taylor Swift

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KID HAD ALWAYS been a bad friend. The memories have tormented him for as long as he could remember.

Today was a rough day for Shoto. Just his appearance made Kid's stomach twist with remorse. He stood before the reaper with frail arms tightly crossed, a scowl adorning his usually soft features. He had been incredibly morose the last couple of times Kid visited him, yet the Shinigami never assumed it to be due to anger. The perceptive reaper could see saddened eyes through Shoto's menacing facade. Fresh, purple bruises bloomed on his pale skin, his legs quaking with every step. He was trying to be angry even with his body so compromised.

"Why haven't you come to see me?"

It took Kid a moment to register the question. Exhaustion fogged his mind, strangling every coherent thought that dared to try and come through. His mind was bogged, but his emotions were on overdrive.

"I've been helping my dad." It was true. Kid had been on countless reapings in the last week as if Death were trying to desensitize him to them. He wanted to be everywhere his father was, even on the brink of exhaustion. Since Death didn't need to sleep and eat, he often forgot that his son did. "I got here as fast as I could! I came to see you even though I'm really tired!"

Shoto's jaw clenched, his frown deepening. "You say that every time. I don't believe you anymore."

The color left Kid's face and he fiddled with his rings as a mental distraction. Although apprehensive, he couldn't comprehend why Shoto assumed he was lying. "I'm not lying! Why would I lie to you?"

"You lie like all the time."

Kid's expression fell further. What did he know? "Nuh-uh!"


"Stop it!"

Shoto's stare hardened, and he tried to look away before Kid could see his lip quiver. His movements were quick, but it was a futile attempt. It was like this conversation itself was his breaking point. He covered his eyes to shield his bubbling tears. "You're a bad friend. Whenever I need you, you aren't here!"

Kid stiffened. He's never been good at dealing with confrontation, especially with the children he's supposed to be reaping. Powerful emotions made him gauche. He'd rather leave and avoid it than make things right.

But his father had always praised him for how easily he could calm those his age. The memory allowed him to swallow his anxiety and reach for Shoto's hands, prying them from his eyes.

"Where have you been?!" Shoto continued, big, angry tears streaming down his face. "It's been bad, really bad. You keep going away and not coming back. You're supposed to be there for me!"

Kid shifted uneasily, his skin prickling as he watched Shoto break down before him. His gaze fixated on one of the clouds carelessly passing by, silently praying for his disappearance. The awkwardness of not knowing what to say or do smothered him, his own emotional reservoir springing a leak. Why was it so hard to show empathy and support his friend?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2023 ⏰

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