IV (rewritten)

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"If you look in the mirror

and don't like what you see,

you can find out firsthand

what it's like to be me."

My Chemical Romance

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─KID REMEMBERED THAT day better than anyone-at least most of it.

He watched from above with trained eyes as Shoto's legs gave out from beneath him. The small frame fell forward, crashing onto his chest. The thin skin covering his knees scraped against the cement below, causing Shoto to let out a pained whine. Kid almost mirrored his friend covering his eyes to the oncoming silhouette, but he knew he had to keep watching.

"Get up," Endeavor's rough voice rumbled. Kid's throat tightened as the giant figure inched closer, towering over his friend. The reaper's teeth grit as frustrated tears fill his golden eyes. He's never felt so useless. While Endeavor beat the innocence out of Shoto, Kid had to turn his back until his father gave him the cue. Why was that? Shoto needed help now.

Kid wished he was strong enough to intervene physically. To hit Endeavor just as hard as he hit Shoto. Karma was the best medicine, and displaying the lesson firsthand would be a pleasure.

But that's not how Kid's father did his work-reaping involved paperwork and contracts that the immature God didn't understand. If he intervened now, he would get in trouble, even if it seemed like the right thing to do. Why did a piece of paper dictate when a soul could be reaped? Wasn't it up to the body?

As the little one struggled to get to his feet, a white-haired woman stepped in between the two. Kid recognized this woman as Shoto's mother. Shoto never stopped talking about her. Rei gave Shoto warm hugs and sweet kisses. Kid wondered what it was like to have a mom.

"Enji," she begged as she tried to help Shoto to his feet. A green hue masked Shoto's expression, his tongue swiping across his lips in distaste. "He's been sick for weeks. Please let him rest. I'm worried about him. What if he needs to see a doctor?"

"Stupid woman," Endeavor chastised and struck her out of the way. Kid flinched at the hit but refused to cover his eyes. He was a big boy and had to be strong while his father was away. "Shoto, I said, 'get up'."

"This is bad," Kid muttered to himself before the smell of smoke tantalized his nostrils. He turned in the direction his father said he was and saw black gusts polluting the sky. His attention returned to Shoto when he heard liquid hit the wooden floor.

Kid's nose scrunched in disgust as he saw the white and brown-colored vomit splattered along the wood. It wasn't Shoto's fault, though. Everyone gets sick sometimes, even Gods. Endeavor didn't seem to have the same mindset because he loudly cursed and kicked his son in his exposed stomach, causing the last bit of sand in Shoto's hourglass to fall to the bottom. Death's eerie silence invaded the room, making the air feel thin. Kid froze in apprehension, his breath quickening in fear. It was time to take matters into his own little hands and take back what was Shoto's. With a sigh of determination, he stepped through Death's mirror.

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