Chapter 11

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Unspoken Heartfelt Desire

Yibo found himself in Wenhan's company, playing racing games together. The ease with which they connected surprised him, yet he welcomed it wholeheartedly. Wenhan's presence was a comforting balm for Yibo's soul. Whenever sadness loomed or the need for support arose, Wenhan was there without the need for words. It was as though Wenhan possessed an innate understanding of Yibo's emotions, discerning them from subtle gestures and expressions alone.

Yibo cherished these moments spent with Wenhan, relishing their time together. Even the playful punches that yibo would land, though admittedly painful, only added to the camaraderie they shared. It was clear to Yibo that Wenhan enjoyed being with him, and the sentiment warmed his heart.

For Wenhan, who was often surrounded by admirers and friends, the knowledge that Yibo relished their time together stirred something unfamiliar within him. It was a mix of joy and uncertainty, a feeling he struggled to define.

Their evening continued as they settled in to watch a series, the hours slipping away until it was well past 1 am. Yibo had drifted off to sleep, his head resting peacefully on Wenhan's shoulder. Gazing at Yibo's serene expression, Wenhan's heart fluttered at the sight.

His eyes then lingered on Yibo's soft, slightly parted lips. It was a moment of unbidden desire, surprising even himself. Wenhan hesitated, the distance between their lips narrowing to a mere centimeter. Yet, before he could act, a wave of realization and embarrassment washed over him. "No," he thought, shaking himself from his reverie. "I can't do this without his consent."

With a self-reprimanding slap to his cheek, Wenhan gently lifted Yibo into his arms, carrying him to the bed. Tenderly placing Yibo beneath the covers, he changed into more comfortable clothes before joining him, the warmth of Yibo's presence soothing his tumultuous thoughts.

As he brushed a stray lock of hair from Yibo's forehead, Wenhan smiled softly to himself, content in this quiet moment. With Yibo nestled in his arms, he closed his eyes, surrendering to sleep, resolved to wait patiently for the day when he would confess his feelings for the latter.


"What? School trip!?" Jiyang exclaimed, his eyes wide with excitement as he wrapped Hao Xuan in a tight hug. They both jumped around exuberantly, drawing strange looks from those around them.

"Calm down, you two," Jiang Cheng groaned, shielding his eyes from the exuberant display. "Your loudness is giving me a headache."

"Okay, mom," Hao Xuan retorted playfully, flashing a wide grin. Even Yibo was thrilled about the school trip, though he remained more composed than the rest.

Zhan found himself distracted, his gaze lingering on Yibo. When he realized Yibo was staring back, he quickly averted his eyes, cheeks flushing. He busied himself with taking notes, attempting to hide his flustered state.

For Yibo, the situation was puzzling. Zhan's behavior was inconsistent—sometimes distant, other times acting as though nothing was amiss, yet occasionally catching Yibo's eye and hastily looking away.

Pushing aside these confusing thoughts, Yibo focused on the upcoming school trip. The teachers mentioned camping in the nearby hill woods, and he couldn't wait. He imagined the crackling campfire and looked forward to roasting marshmallows.

"Yibo! Aren't you excited? Wouldn't it be so cool if we partner up for the tents at night " Hao Xuan's voice broke through his thoughts, and Yibo awkwardly nodded, not quite catching what he was saying.

"Hao Xuan, you're practically rapping. How do you expect Yibo to understand a word?" Jiang Cheng sighed, shaking his head. "Oops," Hao Xuan apologized, switching to signing, which Yibo appreciated.

As Hao Xuan continued, Zhan hesitated, wanting to ask Yibo to be tent partners but was interrupted by Wenhan entering the classroom and taking a seat beside Yibo.

"Hey, bobo!" Wenhan greeted, tousling Yibo's hair and receiving a playful punch to the shoulder in return.

"Ouch! That hurt, bobo," Wenhan grimaced, rubbing his shoulder while Yibo grinned mischievously.

"Bobo?" Zhan echoed, surprised to hear Wenhan give Yibo a nickname. "Yeah, I call him that, but he doesn't like it. It's cute, though," Wenhan explained before attempting to pinch Yibo's cheeks, only to get bitten.

"Ahh! You really are a lion!" Wenhan yelped, earning laughter from Hao Xuan and Jiyang.

"This is the first time we've seen Yibo act so mischievous," Jiang Cheng chuckled.

Zhan, having stopped watching them, focused on his notebook as the teacher entered the room and Wenhan left for his class. "As you all know, we're going on a school trip—camping in the woods. I'll be assigning tent partners."

"Hao Xuan and Jiyang," the teacher began.

"Jixuan and Jiang Cheng," he continued.

"Jackson and Yixing," he announced.

"Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo," came the final pairing.

Zhan's heart leaped in his chest, a surge of excitement coursing through him at the thought of sharing a tent with Yibo. His mood brightened considerably, eager to spend time with Yibo.

Yibo, on the other hand, felt his nerves kick in. He hadn't anticipated this, the idea of being so close to Zhan for the trip. His resolve to keep his feelings in check was tested. He vowed to himself to resist Zhan's charms, determined not to make any mistakes and avoid him at all cost.


Hope y'all like the chapter. Tysm for reading!! Comment down your thoughts and don't forget to vote.

Love y'all 💜

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