Chapter 10

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Crimson Flames of Envy

Yibo watched from a distance as Zhan embraced Jiang Cheng. They appeared to have resolved their issues, a mix of disappointment and relief washing over Yibo's thoughts. Disappointed that Zhan didn't see him as trustworthy enough to confide in, yet relieved that they made up.

"Hey, Yibo, let's join your friends. You didn't introduce me to that guy," Wenhan said slowly, catching Yibo's attention as he read his lips, then glanced in the direction Wenhan pointed. It was Zhan. They had interacted briefly before when Zhan had simply asked him to move from his seat.

Yibo smiled and nodded, and Wenhan chuckled beside him as they made their way over, drinks in hand. "Oh hey, Yibo, you're back! I was starting to think you'd left us and wouldn't return," Hao Xuan said, playfully leaning into Yibo like a child.

"Stop bothering him, idiot. Can't you see he's had enough of your antics for now?" Jiyang sighed.

"Shut up, you're just jealous that Yibo came back for me and not the rest of you. Bleh," Hao Xuan teased, sticking his tongue out, while Yibo smiled at their banter.

"Guys, this is my friend Wenhan. I think you've met him before," Yibo signed with his fingers, the group having learned sign language to communicate with Yibo more easily.

"Yeah, I remember when you got hurt, and he took you to the nurse's room. I'm still mad about that," Jiang Cheng smirked at Wenhan, who nervously laughed.

"By the way, I haven't properly introduced myself. I'm Li Wenhan," Wenhan extended his hand to Zhan, who appeared expressionless, his eyes suddenly cold, sending an unexpected chill through the air. Even his friends were taken aback by this sudden change in Zhan's demeanor.

"Xiao Zhan," Zhan replied, accepting Wenhan's hand but giving it a firm, almost aggressive squeeze.

Wenhan was momentarily puzzled, wondering what he had done to provoke such a reaction, but he managed a hesitant smile before withdrawing his reddened hand.

The group then engaged in light conversation, laughing and teasing each other, though Zhan remained mostly silent. His focus seemed fixed on Yibo, observing how Yibo's smile seemed to brighten whenever Wenhan spoke. The way Wenhan would playfully tousle Yibo's hair or pinch his cheeks when teased grated on Zhan's nerves. Seeing Yibo so happy and affectionate with someone else filled Zhan with a jealousy he struggled to contain, resisting the urge to confront Wenhan.

Despite his inner turmoil, Zhan maintained a stoic facade, ensuring his emotions remained hidden from the others. Meanwhile, his friends, aware of the brewing drama, silently relished the unfolding tension.


*Time passed, and Ziyi stood outside the school gate, waiting for Zhan. As he approached, Zhan spoke up, "Hey, Ziyi, I actually have plans with my friends today. We're going to the arcade. Maybe we could meet up tomorrow?"

"Oh, that's fine. I could join you guys at the arcade, if that's alright?" Ziyi smiled, hopeful for a positive response.

The group hesitated momentarily, remembering Zhan's earlier words, before nodding in agreement.

"Okay, sure... You can join us," Jiyang replied with a forced smile.

Yibo wasn't pleased. Ziyi seemed overly eager to stay close to Zhan, a feeling of unease creeping over him. However, he pushed aside his jealousy. This wasn't the time to act possessive; he should be happy for his friend.

They all walked towards Zhan's car, and Yibo moved to sit in the front seat, only to find Ziyi had already taken the spot. Jiang Cheng, not wanting to cause a scene, patted the seat beside him, and Yibo reluctantly sat between Jiang Cheng and Ziyi, while Jiyang and Hao Xuan settled in the back.

They arrived at the arcade shortly after, wasting no time diving into the games. Jiyang and Jiang Cheng went to grab some snacks, leaving Hao Xuan and Yibo to play games. Meanwhile, Zhan wandered off to browse the shops, with Ziyi following closely behind.

In one shop, Zhan's eyes caught sight of a beautiful pendant, deciding to purchase it for his sister. "Hey, Zhan, what do you think of this bracelet? Would it suit me?" Ziyi asked, holding up an accessory.

Zhan, without looking at it, simply nodded in response.

Zhan then joined Hao Xuan and Yibo, who were struggling with a shooting game. "This game is frustrating. The bullets aren't strong enough to knock down the prizes. Sorry, Yibo, I can't win that lion for you," Hao Xuan grumbled in frustration.

"You just suck. Give it to me," Zhan said, taking the gun and expertly aiming at the target, causing the plush lion to fall. Yibo gasped in amazement as Zhan proudly handed him the prize.

Observing their interaction, Ziyi couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. She sensed there was something between Zhan and Yibo, something that reminded her of how Zhan used to look at her in the past.

"Guys!!! Let's go on the Ferris wheel, my favorite part of the arcade!" Hao Xuan exclaimed, pulling everyone towards the ticket counter.

"Yibo, do you want to go—" Zhan began, but Ziyi interrupted.

"Zhan, let's go together!" Ziyi eagerly grabbed Zhan's hand, excitement written all over her face.

Zhan glanced at Yibo, noticing the defeated expression on his face as he rode off with Jiang Cheng. A wave of conflicting emotions washed over Zhan. Why was he hesitating between Yibo and Ziyi? It was clear he no longer felt the same for Ziyi, yet her words still had an impact on him.

Back at the Ferris wheel, Yibo couldn't hold back his tears any longer. "It's okay, Yibo. Let it out. Bottling up your emotions isn't healthy. Everything will be alright," Jiang Cheng comforted, rubbing Yibo's back as he cried on his shoulder. It was the first time Yibo had been comforted by someone other than his brother, Jiang Cheng's caring nature shining through.

Jiang Cheng was growing increasingly uneasy with Ziyi's persistent presence. He was determined not to let her disrupt his best friend's happiness again.

Yibo, now wiping his tears and sniffling, looked out at the beautiful view from the Ferris wheel, finding a moment of solace amidst the turmoil of emotions.


Hope y'all like the chapter. Tysm for reading!! Comment down your thoughts and don't forget to vote.

Love y'all 💜

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