Chapter 4 - All Basses loaded

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Valentine charged forward toward me and I quickly ignited my hand, but I just pushed started it. Creating a bright flare instead of fire. Which made him skid to a stop. Then I leaped up and solidified the air underneath my feet. Close quarters combat, as if! I ran over his head and jumped off shooting balls of fire his way. However, as they came out, the lines and diamonds appeared underneath my feet and under the  fireballs. Then he leaped away, way faster than before! Easily dodging the hell fire. 

I get it now. So the bases increase his speed, and give him full awareness of the targets in the area. I skidded to a stop and started to catch my breath. I'm safe in the air, considering he lost his pictcher. As if the universe just wanted to prove me wrong. I watched him grab some debris from the wall and throw it into the air. Then he batted at it, each small rock becoming engulfed in flames. I leaped out the way and just barely dodged the rock bullets. 

Damn! What the hell!? Is this guy invincible or something!? How is a lame power like baseball kicking my butt! I can't beat him up close! I can't win from far away! And sneak attacks won't work!Wait, sneak attack, I smiled widely. Right, I do actually have an ace up my sleeve. I rocketed down toward him and he readied his bat. Just before he swung, I used my fire and redirected myself to flying over him. I landed behind and solidified the air, he spun around and I leaped off, just barely dodging. 

"Ha! Guess movement speed isn't the same as combat speed huh!?" I yelled and landed Infront of him. 

"So what? I’m Still faster than you!"

I rocketed myself forward at him and aimed to blast his head. He weaved my hand and I kicked the air by his arm, solidifying it. When he went to swing his bat, his elbow hit the solid air. 

"Don't get cocky, remember, I'm the one who's gonna kill the knight!" I said.

I aimed to kick him in the chest, but he managed to move his bat in the way right before I hit. But it still sent him sliding back. 

"Talk is cheap." He said and rolled his bat around his hand, catching it again and creating sparkles around it. 

Huh, either that thing has a time limit, or a hit limit. I need to pay attention to it. My thoughts came to a halt as he charged in at me. I rocketed forward with my fire and attacked while he wildly swung. Each time I went in I solidified the air by him, making him trip and slam his body into each part. However, he was rather resilient. No matter how many openings I made, I could never finish it. Then again, it wasn't like I expected to win like this. 

After a bit of back and forth, I noticed after three swings he had to reset his bat. And the third swing always had the most sparkles. This information was unfortunately useless to me! I only had enough manna left to keep all my spells maintained, and it seemed like he got used to my house of mirrors. His diamond bases just told him the location of the ones immediately around him. So it wasn't a surprise when he finally got a hit on me and sent me flying. Thankfully I was only hit with a little bit of sparkle on his bat. 

I crashed into the ground and boucned off it, till I finally crashed into one of my air walls. Which knocked the wind out of me. I coughed and tried to catch my breath, as Valentine walked over to me.

"So, out of tricks huh?" He asked.

I smirked and sat up. 

"Suck my jewels loser!" I said and grabbed the gun from my pocket. 

I immediately shot at him and he managed to weave it. Which made him laugh.

"At least you had spunk till the end." 

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