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Levi's POV

I walked outside of the front doors not really caring if I was caught. Either way I would out run my abusive father.

I've been abused for a very long time. Since I was 7, and Im now 18. My mom was too blinded by money to care about me.

She could careless if I go dropped dead. She didn't care, she never will.

I carried on with my walk not taking another look at that stupid light blue house of ours. I had no idea where I was going, I was just going.

I had no friends to help me escape from my home. But that wasn't going to stop me from getting the fuck away from them.

As I walked I turned a corner and looked around. It was a bit cold and chilly. I was paying no attention as I was pulled into an alleyway.

My eyes widened as I tried to struggle to get out of their grip. But they overpowered me. I looked over my shoulder to see a tall man in the dark.

They put a knife at my back and spoke, "Enough squirming shorty. Stay still, it won't hurt as much." He smirked down at me.

My eyes widened as I looked away. So that's it? I finally run away and I'm gonna die while doing this? Tch... My life..

I stayed scared as he slowly leaned down and whispered. "Sleep well."

I almost let a tear drop but was stopped when he fell over me. What the hell did he lose his balance or something?!

I crawled away from him and turned around to see someone behind him in the dark. My eyes slightly widened as he walked out of the dark. He had brunette hair.

He pulled the knife out of the man's body before walking over him. He stared down at me. My breath hitched. This was it. He was gonna kill me next because I saw that he killed someone.

He stared at me for awhile before speaking, "Your welcome." His voice was hoarse and raspy. I stayed quiet and shook slowly.

He continued to look at me with his really pretty pond eyes..

He scratched his chin before speaking again, "I think it was clear I wanted a thank you. I didn't kill him for no reason... I'm pretty sure we speak the same language.. Or maybe your just too frightened to speak." He continued to stare at me.

I breathed in and out before saying, "T-thank you." Fuck why did I stutter.

I realized he had a really nice german accent that he tried to hide but failed. I blushed slightly when he walked past me and patted my head before walking off into the distance.

The wind blew my way and I got a good whiff of his expensive cologne.

I turned around to see he was already gone. I shakily stood up and looked at the body below me. Maybe he has some cash..

I slowly reached for anything in his pockets and pulled out a wallet. I looked at it and pulled money out. Lots of money.

"Thank you.. Again brunette.."


The next day I was still walking around, anywhere for me to take a rest. I realized there was really nowhere for me to go, so instead of complaining now, I went into a coffee shop.

I used the money I got from that dead man, speaking of him, I wonder if someone found him.

I ordered a plain bagel with cream cheese, warmed up. I then ordered black tea, it was my favorite when my mom did care for me a bit.

Every morning she would come up into my room with black tea in my cup. But then it stopped when I was 15. She stopped caring and let my dad do whatever he wanted towards me.


I waited patiently as I sat down tapping my feet up and down. I looked out the window to see a lot of people walking out on the streets. I then saw a brunette hair.

I blushed intensely when he walked. He walked so up straight and normal. He had a very good posture too...

I watched him and noticed he had a knife and was walking this way. He was behind someone.. I continued to watch him as he finally made his move.

He stopped the man and stabbed him right there on his back. He stepped back and hid his knife so casually before yelling.

My eyes widened as he yelled. People started to runaway as they saw the body. People in the cafe started to run out. Me on there other hand I stayed there.

I stood up and walked to the front. "I want my food." I demanded.

They shakily gave me my food and drink before I walked out. I stared at the body and looked to my right to see the brunette standing there.

He walked over to me and stared down at me before saying, "Aren't I just clever." He winked at me before walking off.

I watched him walk far away before he turned a corner.

I walked off getting away from the body before smiling slightly. I was blindly enjoying this.. Not the killing though..

Kill or Be Killed (ERERI)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن